2008年9月18日 星期四






雖然邊看邊罵,但翻到 MI 一課便又立即滿心歡喜。在附加數學的課程中,栗子妹最喜歡的就是這一課了。


(按:MI Mathematical Induction 數學歸納法,不是湯告魯士的 Mission Impossible 啊!)

7 則留言:

  1. 在下睇到d方程式就會頭暈眼花呀?!
    [版主回覆09/18/2008 20:48:00]我剛巧相反,看見便會精神為之一振

  2. 數學....我家有5兄弟姊妹, 我有2個哥哥2個細佬, 佢哋個個都係數學奇才, 而我, 就係數學蠢才, 由細到大都數學都未合格過. 至今, 17+28都仍然要諗餐死!
    [版主回覆09/18/2008 20:49:00]Nicole: 不要緊、不要緊。計數這回事,可以叫老公代勞嘛

  3. Do you have English terms for stuff like   二元一次方程, 根的和積問題, 多項式,  二次不等式?
    I have a good math background, but don't know what you're referring to
    [版主回覆09/19/2008 08:03:00]Dear Teach: They are 'quadratic equations', 'sum and product of roots (of quadratic equations)', 'polynomials' and 'quadratic inequalities' respectively.
    I think students would benefit more if they learn MI till they are in U. My students only know that in order to proof a theorem, they need to follow a series of steps [P(1) is true --> assume P(k) is true, consider P(k+1) --> If P(k+1) is true, it is true for all values.]
    They can't appreciate the 'beauty' of this method :)

  4. By the way, I remember what induction is.  I didn't learn it until I was in U.  I am impressed that they're teaching it in Form 4 here.  It is a method of proving a theorem which could not be proven the conventional way, right?

  5. Do you invest in US stocks?  I am not sure about The Economist editorial board, but I assure you it will have well thought out articles on the subject soon enough.
    Yahoo has a news item on its front page most of yesterday which scared the pants off everybody, but the market rebounded anyway. 
    [版主回覆09/23/2008 20:10:00]Dear Teach: I don't invest in US stocks, but the US stock market will affect the HK stock market ...
    'The Economist' offers us ample of articles about the financial tsunami. I think the best one in the current issue is 'What next?' Take a look when you have time.  

  6. 萬科不離數學, 現在要我去做數倒好傷腦的
    [版主回覆09/23/2008 20:12:00]無蹟:那便不要計嘛,讓別人代勞好了

  7. 栗子妹,你好勵害呀!若你生於從前,可能已成了女壯元。最難得係你重有時間睇戲睇書和睇劇呢。
    [版主回覆09/23/2008 20:19:00] 南爾過獎了!我公開試的成績只屬一般,不過替人補了十多年數學,由恨生愛。
