2008年9月14日 星期日





…… 譯事難,已是老生常談。以英譯中日古典文學立功名的英國漢學家韋理(Arthur Waley)居然把赤腳大仙的「赤」誤解為火「紅」,可能因為他一輩子未踏中土,中文對他始終是書面語。可是王曉朝的誤譯情況不同。他犯的錯誤,除粗心大意外,最大的原因是英語的基本訓練不足。翻譯是量力而為的事。我們看看高峰楓所舉的一些例子。
西塞羅(Marcus Tullius Cicero,106-43 BC)是與凱撒大帝同期的古羅馬大演說家和政治家。高峰楓指出:「古羅馬文化根深葉茂,特富於宗教精神。不了解古羅馬宗教的情況,就不容易看懂當時的書籍」。果然,王曉朝把西塞羅拉丁文原文sacrum(英譯為sacred article)譯成「聖書」。Article在字典上固然有「文章」、「專論」的意思,但同時亦是「一件物品」或一種器皿。在西塞羅的文章內,sacrum指的是「祭器」。
上面說過王曉朝的英語缺少基本訓練。他應該知道英文的double negative是「負負得正」。最常見的例子是not without,相當於中文的「不無」。Not without arrogance因此不是王曉朝所說的「無知」,而是「不無驕傲」或「稍見傲慢」。(堂堂北京清華大學哲學系教授,連這個也會弄錯?!)
有規模有歷史的出版社一般都會把學術著作送外審,是所謂peer review。任何external reviewer看到王教授以下這段譯文,都會覺得再看下去就是浪費青春了。在〈布魯圖〉這一章,布魯圖(Brutus)向西塞羅請教他對凱撒的看法,說your judgement about his genius is perfectly well known, and his concerning you is not obscure。王曉朝的譯文是:「他確實像你所判斷的那樣是一個天才,十分完美,非常出名,你清楚地知道他關注什麼」。


4 則留言:

  1. 掛住流冷汗,忘了祝各位中秋節快樂、人月兩團圓!

  2. Why are you surprised that a philosophy professor erred in a translation?  In Tsingwah, he may not have that much exposure to English, which is a pain in the butt language anyway.  Day-to-day English is full of examples of "agree" vs "agreeable".  How about "abort" and "abortion", or "terrible" and "terrific", or "certify" and "certifiable"?  
    Hey, that's worth a blog or two from a tranlator like yourself...Happy Mid Autumn
    [版主回覆09/16/2008 08:47:00]Dear Teach: I was surprised that he didn't even bother to look up the word in a dictionary. And how could he mix up 'insult' and 'result'? Impossible ...
    Thanks a lot for your examples, Teach! I used two of them in today's entry.
    I went to work on Sunday, so I'm taking a day off today.

  3. 太深了...中秋節快樂呀!
    [版主回覆09/16/2008 08:48:00]謝謝!補祝祈櫻子中秋節快樂 (最好是日日快樂)!

  4. In defense of the professor, it's not practical to look up every word, or you go crazy.  Most second language learners (HK secondary students may be an exception) learn by exposure, guess meaning of new words by their formation and context, and look up words only when there's a doubt.  With limited exposure, it is quite possible that the prof had no reason to doubt his educated guess of agree vs agreeable.
    Insult vs result is sloppy work on his part.  I agree.
    [版主回覆09/17/2008 21:41:00]Dear Teach: It is crazy to ask a learner to look up every word, but as a responsible translator, you should check a dictionary or other reliable sources when you have doubt (even the slightest!)
    I think the professor is 不自量力. If you can't understand the source language, how could you translate it?
