2009年8月16日 星期日



劇中言承旭飾演一位準鋼琴家,因一次車禍弄傷了手,被逼放棄鋼琴。後來他重遇在車禍中,讓他救回一命的女孩 (關詠飾),女孩得悉自己毀了言承旭一生,內疚不已。不過言承旭對她說,被逼放棄夢想並非第一次,小時候他喜歡打捧球,想當出色的捧球員,最後不也是放棄了嗎?



9 則留言:

  1. Not many adults actually pursue childhood dreams.  Those who do and succeed probably pay too much for them.

  2. 很多人根本沒有夢,或者說,他們並沒發現夢想之必要。
    [版主回覆08/18/2009 08:09:00]淇淇:那就是新新人類最可悲之處吧?人要有夢想才會有快樂啊!不然豈非活得像行屍走肉?

  3. 不知道是不是現實和夢想的差距太大, 現在越來越多的人傾向於 "凡事不執著" 的生活態度, 包括我自己 ......  
    [版主回覆08/18/2009 08:10:00]暖暖:其實我也是,不過心中的那個夢,可從未消散過

  4. Whether a person is being dedicated or being too stubborn almost always yields a very subjective answer. In response to Teacher: if a person thinks he pay too much for his dream, then he probably doesn't love his dream enough.  A friend once told me: the reason people don't get what they want is mostly because they don't want it bad enough .  I think she has a point.
    [版主回覆08/18/2009 08:12:00]我也認同 Raymond 朋友所言,要是真的很想得到某東西,便會拼命去爭取;可以輕易放棄的,便不是真的很想得到了。

  5. Actually, the successful dream pursuers seldom think they pay too much.  I am the one who says they paid too much.  By that, I mean they may have traded in their ethics to pursue them.  I was only referring to people pursuing their childhood dreams. 
    There are many good people who successfully pursued their dreams they came up with after they became adults.
    [版主回覆08/18/2009 08:15:00]Teacher: 這個也未必,有時回想起來,便會覺得自己原來付出了太多。
    BTW, when you are talking about 'childhood dreams', what kinds of dreams do you have in your mind? When I was young, I dreamt of becoming an editor of a children's magazine.

  6. I have too many dreams when I was a child: be a scientist, be an astronaut, be a doctor, etc.......all of which never came true, only because, like Raymond says, I didn't want it bad enough and some might just be ridiculous thoughts of a kid like me. I was watching too many sci fi movies on TV when I was young, which influenced me at that time.  As for being a doctor, two reasons, I didn't want it bad enough and our family don't have the money. The one that I was able to achieve was a smaller version of my original dream, though still in the field of science and I am happy and contented with it.  

  7. My def of childhood dreams would be dreams during one's primary school years up to early teen years.  After that, I don't consider one a child.

  8.  近期追看《命中注定我愛你》中...............

  9. 我的夢想很膚淺的 .由小到大的夢想便是希望與心愛的人周遊列國去嚐遍各國美食而已 .
