2009年8月3日 星期一


平常見 blow 字,最先想到的翻譯是「吹」,例如吹風 (The wind is blowing)、吹哨子 (blow the whistle) 等。但其實我們還可以 blow our nose (擤鼻子)blow a kiss (送吻)blow our money (花大錢),甚至 blow our cover (暴露身份) 呢!

如果別人說 blow itblow me down,或是 I'm blown,那又是甚麼意思呢?原來 blow 在口語可表示生氣、吃驚或不在乎,大概相等於「該死」、「天啊」這類感嘆詞。

可能 blow 字跟天氣這個常見話題有關,所以英語中含 blow 字的成語不少,例如:

- blow hot and cold (about something): 拿不定主意、出爾反爾

- blow your mind: 使人吃驚或興奮

- blow your own trumpet: 自吹自擂

- blow up in your face: 事情失敗,害了自己

除了作動詞,blow 還可作名詞使用,解作「打擊」,例如:

He was knocked out by a single blow. (他一拳便被打昏了。)

It was a shattering blow to her pride. (那件事情摧毀了她的自尊心。)

4 則留言:

  1. 我諗到一個三級用語......  真心邪呀我~

  2. It's interesting that blow and suck can mean the same thing: "This movie blows.", "This movie sucks." OTOH, "This movie blew my socks off." means exactly the opposite.

  3. I am not familiar with Raymond's definition of blow being equal to suck.
    You didn't give the definition of "blow it", which is normally used in past tense "you blew it", to mean 你搞 " 口 橫" 咗.
    Sorry about the  " 口 橫", I couldn't find the word in CantoneseInput.

  4. 在下都同「芝」君一樣諗到同一個用語呀!
