2008年8月16日 星期六


今早起牀,扭開收音機,意外聽見 The End of the World 這首老歌。新版本的歌者唱得不錯,但自己還是較喜歡 Skeeter Davis 的演繹:

Why does the sun go on shining?
Why does the sea rush to shore?
Don't they know it's the end of the world,
cause you don't love me anymore?

Why do the birds go on singing?
Why do the stars glow above?
Don't they know it's the end of the world?
It ended when I lost your love.

I wake up in the morning and I wonder why ev'rything's the same as it was.
I can't understand, no I can't understand, how life goes on the way it does!

Why does my heart go on beating?
Why do these eyes of mine cry?
Don't they know it's the end of the world?
It ended when you said good-bye.


細讀歌詞,發覺內容其實挺灰暗,但 Skeeter Davis 唱得甜美,聽起來也不大傷感。


2 則留言:

  1. 很想聽呀, 可惜我的電腦有問題, 不能聽Y!blog上的音樂和看視像, 不知毛病在哪裡

  2. 我最喜愛便是這些歌, 原唱者當然較有味道啦!
    [版主回覆08/24/2008 13:43:00]祈櫻子:原唱者唱出的味道,確實是跟翻唱者唱出的有差距。
    聞說此曲 Carpenters 也唱過,我倒是很想聽聽那個版本。
