If I wrote the exam, there would be more choice.
1. 寫完這篇後去翻字典,發覺choice既是可數名詞又是不可數名詞,要憑意思判斷才知應否加s。(即是可以拗啦~~~)
2. 問外籍同事,他認為choice不用加s,至於原因為何?對不起,連他都說不出個所以然。
出 exam題的人說如讓他會出 exam題 , 題目範圍會廣多些的( If I wrote the exam, there would be more choice . ), 在這choice 意思指 範圍 so it's uncountable. Yes?
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/22/2009 17:39:00]Carol: You're right! Thanks for solving this mystery for me.
sorry not 出 exam題的人 say , should be : the poem writer say.
the poem writer says. ......如讓他會出 exam題 , 題目範圍會廣多些的
回覆刪除Without context, I don't even understand the statement. I am even more confused by Carol's responses...
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/22/2009 17:41:00]Dear Teach: It's the first line of an exam poem. The verse says 'If I (= student) wrote the exam, there would be more choice, fewer questions and more time.'
Carol is right. Choice is uncountable here because the poet is talking about the range.
I understand the part about choice being countable or countable depending on context.
回覆刪除So the "choice" here does not refer to multiple choice, as in 4 to choose 1 or 6 to choose 1? What range is Carol talking about, range of topics for composition, or what?
Teacher, the range means the scope