2008年8月17日 星期日


最近在看 Helene Hanff1 的《The Duchess of Bloomsbury2》,當中一篇日記,提到英式和美式用語的差別,雖然年代久遠3,但實在寫得可愛,不妨一讀:

Ena just phoned, they're back. They want me to have dinner with them tomorrow night and then see their flat in Ealing. She and Leo will pick me up here at hoppuseven. Nobody over here says 'six-thirty' or 'seven-thirty,' they say 'hoppusix' and 'hoppuseven.' (= half past six/seven) And 'in' at home is 'trendy' (時髦) here and 'give it up' is 'pack it in' (放棄) and 'never mind!' is 'not to worry!' (沒相干)

And when they pronounce it the same they spell it differently. A curb's a kerb (管制), a check's a cheque, a racket's a racquet – and just to confuse you further, jail is spelled 'gaol' and pronounced 'jail.'

And a newsstand's a kiosk (報紙檔), a subway's the tube (地下鐵), a cigar store's a tobacconist's (售賣香菸的商店), a drug store's a chemist's (藥房), a bus is a coach, a truck is a lorry, buying on time is hire purchase (分期付款), cash and carry is cash and wrap (買賣方式,指顧客跟批發商以廉價購入貨品,並自己提貨) and as Shaw once observed, we are two countries divided by a common language. I am now going to bed because it's quataposstwelve. (= a quarter past twelve/twelve fifteen)



1 Helen Hanff 是美國人,她是《84, Charing Cross Road》的作者。
2 這是作者自封的頭銜,Bloomsbury Bloomsbury Street
3 該書於1974年初版。

5 則留言:

  1. Of all the above, the one which really threw me for a loop was the pharmacist/chemist.  Another one that got me was the sneakers/trainers.
    [版主回覆08/24/2008 13:48:00]Dear Teach: Why just these two? Any reasons?
    Progress update: I still couldn't find the grammar rule you mentioned.
    I'm going to ask my colleagues tomorrow.

  2. 相隔大西洋,經二百多年的演變,也難怪他們 give up = quit ; petrol = gas; dust bin = quit 吧。且看相隔一條深圳河,一個台灣海峽,數十年的光景也有:
    單車 = 自行車;私家車 = 轎車;巴士 = 公交 =公車; 質素 = 素質;的士 =出租車。
    [版主回覆08/24/2008 13:51:00] 甚麼?埋單已經通行?不是乏言先生說真不知道呢!

  3.  I am dazzled.....I'd prefer "light blue" ~~
    [版主回覆08/24/2008 13:52:00]Me too!

  4. 栗子妹:能夠完全分得清英美用語,唯栗子妹莫屬 ~~~  真係越黎越覺得栗子妹好叻 .... 好完美無瑕呀
    [版主回覆08/24/2008 13:53:00]慧行先生:不關我事,我在抄書啊!

  5. I don't know the reasons, but I was so sure "chemist" and "trainers" were mistakes that I made a fool out of myself.
    Is the film 84 Charing Cross worth seeing?
    [版主回覆08/25/2008 13:06:00]Dear Teach: Yes. I love the film & the book. I think all book lovers will like both of them.
