2011年3月19日 星期六





Turin Horse)


~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


7 則留言:

  1. 加油~小心身體~等你好介紹~~~!
    [版主回覆03/20/2011 08:52:00]多謝! 唔知有沒有時間寫呢。如果想看電影節影片的介紹,介紹士勞看Cal的網誌 (見我的訂閱,電影同盟)。

  2. 為左電影節作好準備,你好專業
    [版主回覆03/20/2011 08:52:00]這是沒事找事忙!

  3. 加油!
    [版主回覆03/20/2011 19:29:00]大家咁話! 今晚第一場,預祝好看!

  4. I actually spent a whole day (SAT) choosing the HKIFF movies. I searched for reviews in Rottentomatoes and IMDB and watched trailers. So I have already seen the one posted above. That trailer was really offputting and so I did not choose it. My experience also tells me that at least 50% of the films shown
    at HKIFF are "arthouse" and "non-mainstream". Some are extremely boring and pretentious. Still, a trailer can be misleading. You don't need to worry too much. As I am rather picky these days, I may miss some of the good works. I will read the reviews from time to time and I may buy one or two more tickets in the future. P.S. I am quite intersted in Heaven's Story, but I am afraid it is TOO long - 4 hours? (Plus it is a real downer) and the reviews say that the second half falls apart. At my age, I am so worried if I can survive it.
    [版主回覆03/20/2011 21:49:00]我只是花了一晚去看影片介紹,之後便請朋友代為購票了。付了錢再看影評預告片之類,極為本末倒置 :p 資深影評人推介 I saw the devil 和 Submarine,可惜兩齣我都沒有興趣。上正場時才看吧。 《質數的孤獨》故事不錯,但拍成電影之後,只怕走樣。另外,Home for Christmas 拿了劇本獎,應該不錯! 花四小時看沉重的電影真的不太明智,Biutiful 才2.5小時,我已經想死了......

  5. 我很怕臨時有工作不能去!! 第一套是今個星期五的《夢中見》, 原來這套反應不錯, hkiff還加場呢!
    [版主回覆03/21/2011 08:10:00]Touch wood! 一定可以場場到的
    我好想看 [再生奇緣], 不過時間撞到七彩, 最後要放棄. 不知會否加場? 待會兒去查查看.

  6. I Saw the Devil will be formally released, but Submarine may not. I guess it is like 500 Days of Summer. Home for Christmas sounds nice, but the reviews are average. (There are critics' reviews at IMDB) Biutiful - I have skipped it because of the average reviews. I will read more reviews written by HKIFF movie goers these days and see if there are some good ones.
    [版主回覆03/22/2011 08:24:00]Too bad. I think I will watch Submarine if it is formally released.
    Home for Christmas - I love the song, and I will convince myself to love the film
    I'm reading the reviews written by HKIFF movie goers too. Cal's reviews are pretty good. Take a look if you have time.

  7. 不要吃太多方便麵啦... 去買三文治吃ma~!!
    [版主回覆03/26/2011 08:21:00]多謝關心呀 。有三天找到朋友陪吃飯,所以只是吃了兩包叮叮食品,方便麵大概留到四月一日看【聖誕回家】前才吃。 三文治之前吃得太多,所以想換換口味
