2009年12月10日 星期四



Idioms and phrases

Don't make a scene. 別出洋相 [<-- 請參看回應中的解說。謝謝芝]
You can bet the farm
comb through other's mail
on board: present and functioning as a member of a team


Hang in there, baby. Don't give up. 新愛的,要撐下去,別放棄呀。
wise up
Ashcombe did (= killed) his wife (嘩,個 do 字原來真係幾好用喎~)


16 則留言:

  1. &quot;do&quot; has&nbsp;several meanings in Chinese too, especially in &quot;cooking winter melon&quot;, no?
    [版主回覆12/12/2009 10:41:00]You&#39;re right, Teacher. No wonder an English&nbsp;professor said, 只要學好英語常用動詞, 英語便會大有進步.
    BTW, Why do you emphasize &#39;cooking winter melon&#39;? It&#39;s part of the Chinese language wo...

  2. 不是「別的郵件」而是「別人的郵件」吧
    [版主回覆12/12/2009 10:35:00]已改正,謝謝!

  3. you eventually knee to HOUSE, so you are addicted, lad!
    [版主回覆12/12/2009 10:37:00]石像說得沒錯,我已經到了不能自拔的地步!

  4. make a scene 應該不是出洋相, 而是(當眾)大吵大鬧 / 鬧大一件事, 類似潑婦罵街那種。 我最近只追看明珠台的The Mentalist, 其他劇集都沒有看。
    [版主回覆12/13/2009 11:44:00]芝:對不起,又是我。容我明天再去問外籍同事,看看是否連前輩也錯了。

  5. 我也是阿蒙粉絲.&nbsp; 有趣的劇集.
    [版主回覆12/13/2009 06:59:00]小月:是呀,有些場景,看得我捧腹大笑

  6. CG, I think Teacher just want to point out the different of usage of &quot;do&quot; between Cantonese and Mandarin...
    [版主回覆12/13/2009 07:00:00]Raymond 這樣說,我更糊塗了。廣東話跟普通話的「做」字,用法有分別嗎?

  7. Far be it from me to talk about use of Chinese language, but my understanding is that&nbsp;廣東話跟普通話的「做」字,用法有分別.&nbsp; The Cantonese&nbsp;做&nbsp;&nbsp; could mean to beat up, at least 50 years ago, it did.&nbsp; The PTH&nbsp;做, like the English &quot;do&quot;, could mean having sex with.&nbsp;They&#39;renot interchangeable, are they?
    [版主回覆12/13/2009 12:05:00]Beat up ... do you mean &#39;做低佢&#39;? (But that means killing someone )
    On having sex with, both Cantonese and PTH&nbsp;use 做愛 wo ...

  8. BTW, I&#39;m with Chi.&nbsp; I am not familiar with &quot;making a scene&quot; to mean&nbsp;&nbsp;當眾出醜 either.&nbsp;&nbsp;當眾出醜&nbsp; is making a fool out of oneself.
    [版主回覆12/13/2009 11:43:00]Thanks, Teacher. Somehow, I think 大吵大鬧 doesn&#39;t fit the scene (Monk wanted to go to the toilet and his nurse warned him not to make a scene.)
    I&#39;ll check with my colleagues tomorrow.

  9. Really?&nbsp; If you could give me the episode, I&#39;d like to check the scene myself.
    [版主回覆12/13/2009 12:00:00]Teacher: Season 1, episode 2.
    Thanks a billion

  10. I mean the title or the number of the episode

  11. Ok, I knew I should never have ventured into discussing use of Chinese.&nbsp; Here&#39;s what I mean:&nbsp;&nbsp;When I was a kid,&nbsp;做佢&nbsp; meant to beat him up, not kill.&nbsp; In PTH, &quot;do&quot; could be translated as&nbsp;幹, yes?&nbsp; So both &quot;do&quot; in English and&nbsp;幹&nbsp;in PTH could mean &quot;to have sex with&quot;, right?
    [版主回覆12/14/2009 21:18:00]Teacher: No venture, no gain ar
    I now see what you mean. You&#39;re comparing&nbsp;the Chinese character 幹 to the verb &#39;do&#39;, and you exclude the phrase 做愛 in your comparison, right?
    However, as far as I know, the character 做 can also mean &#39;having sex&#39; in Cantonese nowadays. (我同條女做 = I had sex with&nbsp;my girlfriend.)

  12. Teacher beats me to it, and that&#39;s exactly what I was thinking about.&nbsp; &quot;Do&quot; can be translate as 幹 which in Mandarin can have a meaning not exist in Cantonese, isn&#39;t it?&nbsp;
    [版主回覆12/14/2009 21:19:00]Raymond: 請參看我給 Teacher 的回應。單一個「做」字,現在不是可解作 having sex with someone 了嗎?

  13. 栗妹, 問外籍同事最好, 因為他們在現實生活中可能有不同用法, 有時候查字典也查不到。 我也很喜歡Monk, 那時候每星期追明珠台。所有有查案成份的劇我都喜歡。Mentlist也是查案劇, 而且輕輕鬆鬆的, 所以我很愛看。 (我很怕看要狂追戲情的, 如Heroes, Lost, Prison Break等)
    [版主回覆12/14/2009 21:11:00]芝:我也喜歡看查案劇呢!Mentalist 的名字我先記下來。謝謝!
    今早問過同事,她認為 make a scene 跟 kick up a fuss 的意思類近,含 draw attention to yourself 之意。至於引人注意最常用的方法,就是芝提到的大吵大鬧。
    我再問她,那 don&#39;t make a scene 會否有 don&#39;t embarrass yourself 的含意呢?她說那可以是 make a scene 的結果,但並非一定因 make a scene 而起。若是這樣,「出洋相」便含了譯者的闡釋,未必妥當。
    我之所以會抗拒「大吵大鬧」,是因為那跟 Monk 的性格不符。所以那句對白,或許譯作「別做些會打擾別人的事」會比較貼切?(不過作字幕卻太長了~~~ )

  14. Thanks for clarifying.&nbsp; I was just thinking that &quot;幹 &quot; in Cantonese never means &quot;having sex with&quot;, hence the usage difference between the two dialects. &quot; (我同條女做 = I had sex with&nbsp;my girlfriend.) &quot; Sounds pretty &quot;modern&quot; to my ear...&nbsp;
    [版主回覆12/20/2009 08:24:00]Raymond: We don&#39;t use 幹 in Cantonese (speaking), do we?
    I learnt that expression from some MK guys, and I believe it&#39;s quite modern.

  15. I checked my freebie online sites, Google China doesn&#39;t have that episode, and Youku has it, but somebody locked it up.
    However, from your response to&nbsp; 芝, it appears that you had the issue resolved.&nbsp; I agree with your colleague that making a fool of oneself could be a result of making a scene, but they&#39;re not the same thing.&nbsp; I agree with you that Monk would never&nbsp;大吵大鬧.&nbsp; So, I wonder why the nurse would think that he would make a scene going to the bathroom, unless he was having some physiological problems.
    [版主回覆12/20/2009 08:26:00]Yes, Teacher. Monk did have some physiological problems, or he would not receive a three-fifteen.
    Anyway, thanks for helping me check

  16. No, we don&#39;t use 幹 in Cantonese , hence the difference of usage of 幹 between Cantonese and Mandarin, agree? Is MK guys some kind of 飛仔? &nbsp; I heard the term before but don&#39;t have a complete understanding of it.&nbsp; Can you elaborate a bit on what&#39;s MK?
