2009年6月4日 星期四



以動詞 run 為例,這個生字在上幼稚園時已授,解作「跑」。但只要翻開高階字典一看,便會發現其解釋不止於此:

1. The race will be run despite the bad weather. (儘管天氣惡劣,比賽仍然舉行)

2. His family runs a hotel. (他的家人經營酒店。)

3. I can't afford to run a car on my salary. (我的工資養不起車。)

4. The bus company runs extra buses during the rush hour. (巴士公司在繁忙時間加開班次。)

5. Mary ran her fingers through her hair. (瑪莉用手指摩挲著頭髮。)

6. He had a scar running down his cheek. (他臉上豎著一道傷疤。)

7. The musical will be running for six weeks. (音樂劇會連續上演六週。)

8. I'll run you a bath. (我給你洗澡水去。)

9. Your nose is running. (鼻水了。)

10. He wanted to run in the election. (他想參加競選。)

這裡列舉的,只是 run 作動詞使用時十個常用解釋,如果加上片語動詞,這篇網誌恐怕會過千字了~~~


10 則留言:

  1. The race will be run despite the bad weather .
    May I ask if the "run" here is a noun ?
    [版主回覆06/05/2009 08:11:00]雲兒:仍然是動詞,不過用了被動語態。

  2. 我倒不覺這難,就算中文也有一字多義。英文比中文難,在文法。
    [版主回覆06/05/2009 08:13:00]或許該說是習慣用法比較難吧?譬如為何 look after 是照顧,但 look for 是找尋呢?根本無書可解,只能靠死記。

  3. 又上了一堂課
    [版主回覆06/05/2009 08:14:00]無蹟:栗妹豈敢開班,還有很多要多耶~~~

  4. 學語言或多或少要點想像力,不過有時又不到你不服,大概這就是趣味吧。
    [版主回覆06/05/2009 08:16:00]說得好!缺乏想像力的人,有時真會被那些習慣用法嚇怕的。

  5. -->
    [版主回覆06/05/2009 08:16:00]井兄:越怕的東西,越要學習面對呀 ;)

  6. 文法的所謂有例,其實也是變化太多。
    [版主回覆06/09/2009 08:25:00]性格使然,欲勸無從。

  7. 栗子妹:Your nose is running 是你 流緊 鼻水了﹝現在進行式嘛!﹞,如果要說昨天流鼻水,可否寫成 Your nose ran yesterday﹝過去式!﹞?英文最難的是一字多義,文法錯了聽的人也許不會不明,但用錯字就分分鐘會變成了另一個意思
    [版主回覆06/09/2009 08:27:00]噫,慧行先生,Your nose ran 文法肯定完全沒錯,但我從來沒見過別人這樣寫/聽過別人這樣說呀...

  8. #1 appears to me to be the same as 跑  , no?
    I am not familiar with #3.
    How about "The bargain paint I bought yesterday ran after I put it on the wall", or is it too close to #6?
    [版主回覆06/09/2009 08:33:00]Teacher: Yes, 'run' in #1 is quite similar to 跑, but I would use 舉行 instead because it's not clear whether the race is a marathon or some 跑步比賽, right?
    On #3, neither do I. I just copied the sentence from the dictionary.
    I'm not sure about the meaning of your sentence. Could you explain, please?

  9. One more, how about "I got the runs after I ate that dish (diarhea), or is it too close to #9 ? 
    Oh, you're only talking about the verb form of the word.  Never mind
    [版主回覆06/09/2009 08:35:00]I really love this sense of 'run'. It sounds funny to me. (肚疴 -> 跑著去廁所 ) 
    Maybe you can write a blog entry explaining the use of 'run' as a noun?

  10. I don't know how to explain paint running.  Low quality paint would do it after you brush it on.  It may have something to do with the color not being even, or the paint itself doesn't stick to the surface well, so the top part will "run" down and you can see streaks.
