2013年6月15日 星期六


話說昨天審讀一份技術文件,見到同事將 0.5 metres 的 s 刪掉,改成 0.5 metre,深感奇怪,立即跑去問個究竟。同事說:「我查牛津辭典,見附錄那些零點幾的例子全部都沒加 s,所以就刪掉。」

Practical English Usage 和 Practical English Grammar(同是牛津出品)。可是前者說要加 s,後者的例子卻一律沒有 s,到底是哪種才對?

問外藉同事,他說口語一般會用眾數。另一位同事說:「連 zero 也用眾數,零點幾用眾數又有甚麼問題?」不過,同事補一句:「書面語跟口語可能有出入,還是再查查看吧。」

看到這裡,大家應該猜到,栗還未找到答案。花了大半天時間還是沒結果,除了悲鳴,只能說:I hate English。(*middle finger*)

4 則留言:

  1. Hey I taught that in my WPE class. Any decimal other than 1.0 must have an "s".
    [版主回覆06/24/2013 20:48:08]It's a trivial thing, but my colleague keeps arguing with me, citing examples from dictionaries and grammar books. I must say I'm really displeased about this.
    [The Teacher回覆06/24/2013 13:31:12]I didn't even know this rule was remotely controversial...
    [The Teacher回覆06/24/2013 13:30:25]I don't know what a "style guide" is, but the rule is decimals always have "s", except for 1.0, but fractions, like one third, or two thirds, of a metre, then the "s" goes to the denominator if the numerator is not a one.
    [版主回覆06/16/2013 12:13:35]But style guides of various big publishers say no s, unfortunately :(

  2. 咦,妳睇過邊幾本Style Guide呢?的確似乎莫衷一是!
    [版主回覆06/16/2013 17:48:23]佢本都係冇s……

  3. 1 是單數,多過1才是眾數,0.5少於1,所以不能列入眾數,冇s。

    [版主回覆06/18/2013 06:10:23]想法對,但外國人話用法不同了,無奈書本還沒更新。

  4. 狐狸先生話:0.5 metres but 0.5 m.!
    [版主回覆06/19/2013 08:50:45]佢後面係咪有SI Unit / measurement 的表?應該是表格內的用法 (OALD 也是類似情況)
    [大猩猩回覆06/18/2013 23:03:52]LDOCE好似冇提過!
    [版主回覆06/18/2013 10:16:07]係我同事話冇架 (我根本就冇果本字典)。是否最新版已經改了?
    [大猩猩回覆06/18/2013 07:13:00]妳喺邊本睇到話無s,第四版定第五版?
    [版主回覆06/18/2013 06:11:46]咁得意?朗文本字典冇s架咼……
