2009年1月18日 星期日


上週五《虎報》的 Dissident's Diary,以 My frnds, th tm hs cm fr nw cmpgn tht wll sv vwls 為題。如此有趣的標題,立即吸引栗讀下去。原來近年英語世界有人靜靜起革命,要革去英文生字中的元音 (vowels)。譬如體育用品生產商 Reebok 化名 Rbk;摩托羅拉生產的手機命名 RAZR ( razor) 等。

據某些文章分析,這種去元音趨勢,可能源於公司故意模仿年青人在發手機短訊、電郵或在 Facebook 留言時使用的串字方法,以期吸引他們注意;另有一說提到,因為在註冊商標時,傳統拼法的已給人捷足先登,所以公司便搞搞新意思,故意漏去元音,另創新字。



8 則留言:

  1. 一句講哂都係因為而家d人越唻越懶呀!
    [版主回覆01/27/2009 09:44:00]井兄這一句,讓我忽然想起威E裡的人類

  2. 我諗第日我會變文盲。
    [版主回覆01/27/2009 09:44:00]南爾:我宜家已經唔知啲後生講緊啲乜

  3. The "y" in "my" is also a vowel, no?
    Abbrevation by "sans vowels" has been around for a long time.  It works well for people with extensive exposure to the language only, and not for inexperienced second language learners.  I tried out something similar, actually a passage I got from a spam email, in one of my classes and it went over like a lead balloon.  I'll see if I could still locate that thing and will email to you.
    [版主回覆01/27/2009 09:50:00]Dear Teach: Maybe semi-vowel doesn't count?
    Agree with you that it works well for people with extensive exposure to the language. It was fun to read the passage you sent me :)
    I think nowadays the marketing people do very bad on word play. In the past, word play in advertisements was meaningful and memorable. But those 食字 things nowadays were really horrible!

  4. 我地講中文已經好懶, 估唔到外國人都係咁!
    [版主回覆01/27/2009 09:50:00]芝:大概人性無分中外?

  5. 文化之慘
    [版主回覆01/27/2009 09:51:00]Loois: 看誰能力挽狂瀾?

  6. 看來是語文的退化吧,說起來,多少也是美國快餐文化泛濫的責任,從 centre 變成 centre ; tyre 變成 tire; cheque 變成 check; colour 變成 color; travelling 變成 traveling
    文字被“抽筋”,從反映文化到今日變成“形音”字,再惡化到連元音也歿了,大有被拆骨之勢,真是可悲。未知會否轉回象形文字,如 :)    :(
    before 變成 b4 了。 最近聽見 support 變成十卜 實是令人啼笑皆非!
    [版主回覆01/27/2009 09:56:00]乏言先生:「抽筋拆骨」用得好 !讀先生的留言時,讓我想起那些可怕的簡體字。為了便捷,我們到底要犧牲多少?

  7. 到時真不知寫出來讀出來是些什麼東東了
    [版主回覆01/27/2009 09:56:00]無蹟:就是甚麼也不是......

  8. According to IPA, the 'y' is only a semi-vowel if it precedes a vowel, like 'yellow', no?
