2018年11月18日 星期日

head 與 off


大家知道甚麼是 eat one's head off 嗎?既然吃得連頭也垂了下來,當然是吃得很多

例1:The parents have to work hard because their boys are growing up and eating their heads off. (這對父母須辛勤工作,因為他們的孩子正值發育,吃得很多。)

那麼,bite/snap somebody's head off 又是甚麼意思呢?原來是責罵別人

例2:I made a mistake, and the boss bit my head off. (我犯了錯,老板把我罵了一頓。)

至於 laugh, shout, scream, etc. your head off,則是指持續發出上述聲音

例3:The sitcom was so hilarious that I laughed my head off. (處境喜劇非常惹笑,讓我大笑不已。)

英國俚語 be off your head,指人瘋了或是因酒和藥物而引致神智不清

例4:Are you off your head going out in this weather? (這種天氣你還出去?你瘋了嗎?)


作為片語動詞,head off 解作出發離開

例5:I am heading off to Taiwan next month. (下月我出發到台灣。)

若說 head somebody/something off,是指迫使某人/動物改變方向

例6:The shepherd tried to head the sheep off the road. (牧羊人把羊趕離道路。)

最後,如果是 head off 某件事情,則表示阻止那件事情發生

例7:The government is finding ways to head off the demonstration. (政府正在想辦法阻止示威。)


