From a purely econ standpoint, stirring up the tutoring market a bit is not all that bad. An FB pal of mine is a HKU student and she only charges $150, so she should get a good increase. [版主回覆03/08/2011 07:30:00]Teacher: 我覺得係兩個市場喎。就算政府俾250,私人都係唔會加架啦
If there's a stampede of U students going into the schools, there'll be a lower supply on the market. There should be some impact. Naturally, tutors wouldn't raise fees on their current students, but on future ones, most will, I believe. In any case, $150 an hour is semi-volunteering, in my view...
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/06/2011 20:48:00]我從前在青少年中心也教過一班,學生未算貧童,不過也很認真,我很喜歡她們呢。
我代 財爺答:我地政府做嘢一向都係「勇字當頭,不理後果」嘅.
[版主回覆03/08/2011 07:28:00]希望佢係將舊錢俾社福機構辦補習班。如果由政府部門請人做,行政費用勁貴呀
From a purely econ standpoint, stirring up the tutoring market a bit is not all that bad. An FB pal of mine is a HKU student and she only charges $150, so she should get a good increase.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/08/2011 07:30:00]Teacher: 我覺得係兩個市場喎。就算政府俾250,私人都係唔會加架啦
> 有沒有想清楚執行細節 當然係冇啦,佢淨係掛住留鬚之嘛。
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/08/2011 07:31:00]係喎,佢啲鬚俾人剃咗,要留需時
回覆刪除If there's a stampede of U students going into the schools, there'll be a lower supply on the market. There should be some impact. Naturally, tutors wouldn't raise fees on their current students, but on future ones, most will, I believe.
In any case, $150 an hour is semi-volunteering, in my view...