大家常說看東西,但其實看,也有不同的看法。例如 to make eye contact 是「眼神接觸」;eyeball to eyeball 是「怒目對視」;to have your eye on someone是「盯著某人」;be all eyes 是「全神貫注」;under the (watchful) eye of somebody 是「受監視」;to turn a blind eye to something 則是「視而不見」。
要做到視而不見,眼睛必須要能夠開合。張開眼睛是 open your eyes,但若說 open your eyes to something,則表示「看清現狀」;而 eye-opener 則指令人大開眼界的事情。
至於 to shut/close your eyes to something,其實跟 to turn a blind eye to something 意思類近,表示「冇眼屎乾淨盲」!能 do something with your eyes shut/closed,則是某件熟悉的事,自己閉起雙眼也能完成。
中文有「眼睛吃冰淇淋」之說,英文也有 to feast your eyes。不過前者多指男人看女人,似不及後者中性。若要找「眼睛吃冰淇淋」的對譯,或許用 to make eyes at somebody 或 to eye somebody up 會較貼近?
eyeball to eyeball = 怒目對視 ? Actually, I suppose it could.
回覆刪除I've always used it to mean a test of will, normally followed by one side "brinking", to mean capitulating.
[版主回覆09/22/2010 06:50:00] didn't know about the sense you mentioned, Teacher, as it's not listed in the OALD. But I believe usage is more important than dictionary definition?
I trust OALD to be correct all the time. So it may be a Brits vs Yanks thing.
Anyway, the way I use it: The first time John and Peter went eyeball to eyeball, it was John who brinked; or I should've gone eyeball to eyeball with him to see if he'd brink....