English: Why should Hong Kong care?」的講座。講題雖然老土,但栗卻很有興趣知道,講者如何老調新彈,所以報名去參加。
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/11/2010 20:33:00]打機是 inborn,學英文要 acquired 嘛 那位港大生問問題時,極之力直氣壯,真的替他覺得羞...
西人現今一窩蜂地去學普通話 This bunch consists of mostly businessmen who wish to attain perhaps a P1-level of proficiency so they could ask for location of the public toilet, or the nearest hospital, and understand the answer, and those supertrendy lanugage buffs, like my old neighbor DH, who would learn as much as they could, until they reach secondary grad level, if they don't get bored earlier. That's a minute 窩 of 蜂 .
I agree with you about that kid's question. There were several stupid questions asked that night.
[版主回覆09/11/2010 20:34:00]Not just businessmen, Teacher. Many high school students in the UK learn Putonghua too. I did a unit about this some time ago.
Yes, the high school and college kids in the west belong to the "supertrendy" bunch. They learned that China has the second largest economy without knowing that the per capita figure (the only meaningful statistic) is still well below 100th. So they act like the latest 潮流 foreign lanugage is 煲冬瓜. Their efforts are wasted, but that's another subject, for another blog.
I think I know where that other kid was coming from. He thought he was going to learn some shortcuts to writing good English in this book talk. When he found out that the answers were practice and immersion, he was disappointed. He was just whining about not having the time.
[版主回覆09/12/2010 07:51:00]I didn't know anything about the per capita figure you mentioned, Teacher. Will you explain in your blog entry as well? That U student reminds me of my F5 student. They think everything has a shortcut. Sigh.
per capita is the economic term those econ 佬 like to use for population average. It divides the total economy, or anything, of an area by its population. I am sure you've encountered the term in The Economist. The total figures, unadjusted by population, are bascially meaningless, because the EU actually has a larger economy than the US. But North America, with Canada, US, and Mexico together, total greater than the EU, etc.... See what I mean?
Yeah, this may be worth a short blog....
Chestnut Gal, who was the speaker of the talk? Was it conducted in English?
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/07/2010 09:18:00]Yes, it was conducted in English. The speaker was Mr Barry Kalb. He wrote a book called 'You can write better English'. 見到都唔想買