2011年7月3日 星期日



Q: Write a reply to the following letter.

Eat Chinese

Dear Sir,

I am trying to start a campaign against
Western fast food in
Hong Kong and I hope your readers will give me their support.

Food like hamburgers and pizzas are not
traditional in
China. Chinese people should eat rice and dim sum. (因為不是傳統中式食物,中國人便不能吃?這是甚麼歪理?!) Western fast food outlets take away jobs
from cooks and waiters in Chinese restaurants.

I hope school principals will stop
their students going to fast food shops, and that the government will put taxes
on their food. I also hope we can organise some marches and demonstrations.

Yours faithfully,

D. Sum



4 則留言:

  1. 嗯,歪理連篇,出題嘅人梗係政府高官 !同埋啲英文有啲怪雞!
    仲有,封信究竟俾邊個架?報紙定雜誌?有咁大影響力?出題條友一定已經short咗 !唉,生活壓力太大,無計!
    [版主回覆07/05/2011 08:24:00]起初我也像別的網友那樣想, 內容寫得這麼離譜, 是想讓學生有發揮的空間. 但我這兩天不住在想, 如果由我寫, 該回何回應呢? 但我真的想不出一篇合理而不離題的回應呀

  2. Given that this is a writing test question, it's possible that the   歪理 are there on purpose to give the students a chance to disagree and explain their disagreement, no?   If so, I see nothing wrong with this...
    [版主回覆07/05/2011 08:21:00]After I read the letter, I thought to myself, if I were to write a reply, what would I write? All I could think of were words like 'ridiculous', 'bias' and 'silly'. Honestly, I don't think an average F4 student can come up with 280 words to reply to this letter.

  3. WAKAKAKAK...首先我覺得封信文法上唔多掂, 英文有D唔暢通, 用既字眼唔得formal, 同好有中文既英文感覺...
    第二, 唔駛講啦, 封信一定係個d生意好差, 就黎執粒既茶樓or賣米鋪頭既發窮惡老闆...(仲可能係邊咬緊漢堡包邊寫緊呢封信tim喎~)
    [版主回覆07/05/2011 21:37:00]我果日望住個學生, 都笑到停唔到

  4. 我都估出題人係專登寫成咁, 等學生有空間發揮。 我記得讀書時試過要響英文報紙d letter to editors度揀題目來寫, 我揀左一篇係個讀者話d後生仔唔應該響公眾場合kiss。我就寫佢地響街kiss好過躲在家曳曳。(後來才知道公眾場合也會有人"曳曳" )
    [版主回覆07/05/2011 21:39:00]宜家個社會, 愈來愈開放囉...
    我真係唔覺得呢篇文, 俾到啲乜嘢空間俾學生發揮, 那些 points實在太胡鬧啦.
