2012年12月30日 星期日


200 齣電影。要說有哪齣最教栗印象難忘,自然是 12 月法國電影節選映的【畫中國】(The Painting)。以一個如此顯淺的故事,闡釋何謂自由、平等與博愛,編導功力之深厚,至今依然讓栗讚嘆不已。除此以外,大衛芬查的【龍紋身的女孩】(The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) 和馬田史高西斯的【雨果】(Hugo),同樣教栗傾心;後者對電影之鍾愛,令栗感動非常。

除了跑電影院,今年作了一個新嘗試,就是「導演馬拉松」──先選定心儀的導演,然後把他們的作品看全。栗妹今年鎖定了三個目標,分別是杜魯福、費里尼和奧桑。杜魯福的作品,暫時最喜愛的是【零用錢】(Small Change),由小孩來演的電影,從來都最得栗心。至於費里尼,首推他的孤寂三部曲【大路】(La Strada)、【騙子】(Il Bidone) 和【花街春夢】(Nights of Cabiria)。別人多愛【大路】,栗卻鍾情於【騙子】,每次想起電影中那幫騙徒,心總是感到戚戚然。奧桑本來不在名單之上,但他的【偷戀隔籬媽】(In the House) 著實教栗驚艷。之後看的5x2、【枕邊謎】(Under the Sand) 和【最後的時光】(Time to Leave),同樣令栗神魂顛倒。

2012 影展精選

歐洲電影節:【交叉愛情】(DOS - A Love Story in Reverse)

香港國際電影節:【蒙眼黑布】(The Blindfold)【德國歡迎你】(Almanya: Welcome to Germany)【我的插班老師】(Monsieur Lazhar)

西班牙電影節:【即使是雨】(Even the Rain)



【壞孩子】(Evil)【歡迎光臨oo雪鎮】(Welcome to the Stick)


【奇蹟】(Miracles)、【生命的飲歌】(As It is in Heaven)

有興趣知道栗子妹在 2012 年還看了哪些電影,請按這裡

7 則留言:

  1. Very impressed by your determination and passion for movies. Will you work out a top 10 movie list?
    [版主回覆01/01/2013 19:44:38]Top 10 真的很難選,選三齣已經是我的極限~~~
    [版主回覆12/31/2012 18:19:52]No. I'm waiting for yours:-)

  2. By the way, I have seen Even the Rain. It is very impressive!!! Thanks for your recommendation. I wish you a happy new year.

  3. 《情謎追兇》始,《東方三俠》終,都是好戲呢。
    [inanna回覆01/03/2013 15:15:29]《東方三俠》梅艷芳在《女人心》的歌聲中回眸凝望重傷留醫的丈夫之鏡頭,很動人。看後,一生都忘不了。
    [版主回覆01/02/2013 08:26:33]《東方三俠》確實好看,不過見到年輕的梅艷芳,感覺好唏噓呢。
    Hugo -- 忘了自己有沒有哭,不過 Georges Méliès 的作品我倒是印象深刻,向這樣的一位前輩致敬,非常好!
    (inanna 也是我的偶像啊,我希望來年會有更多的好戲和好書看!)

  4. 200部, 真係自愧不如! (所以單身有單身的好架)

    [版主回覆01/05/2013 22:23:13]喜歡但不迷,朋友多是自己回家看影碟的。(差不多每天一齣,我的天~~~)
    [Lili Marleen回覆01/05/2013 22:15:38]佢另一半都係影迷?
    [版主回覆01/05/2013 22:09:15]我有一個朋友,拍拖中,一年看300多部 :p

  5. 栗子姑娘是個超級戲迷,一年看 200 部,不簡單啊。
    [版主回覆01/05/2013 22:06:40]乏言先生:不過有時會看得很累呢,尤其連續碰上幾齣次貨 >.<
    [inanna回覆01/03/2013 15:09:19]「栗子姑娘」真是個可愛參古意的稱謂呢!想起林振強亦有一首《笛子姑娘》~ 作者懷念傷逝的妹妹之作。

  6. I've just decided i like Kenji more than you...

    He puts English titles along with the Chinese ones in his blog...
    [The Teacher回覆01/07/2013 22:08:59]Ch 132, that might be it. if that's the case, i didn't watch it, but had planned to. it must've conflicted with some other shows i wanted, or it was scheduled to come on after the free period.
    [版主回覆01/07/2013 21:21:49]BTW, did you watch it on NOW TV? I told you that Channel 132 was free for two weeks. You might watch the second of the sequel then.
    [版主回覆01/07/2013 21:20:27]Teacher: I would recommend that you watch the Hollywood version. It is pretty cool ^.~
    [The Teacher回覆01/07/2013 21:14:40]yes, swedish, both were swedish, except i can't remember anything about the second one......anyway, i may have just thought about seeing that second one.
    [版主回覆01/07/2013 21:06:06]second of the sequel -- David Fincher hasn't made this yet. Did you see the Swedish version?
    [The Teacher回覆01/05/2013 23:31:11]The only one I saw was Dragon Tattoo. I liked it so much that I may have seen the second of the sequel, although i can't remember....
    [版主回覆01/05/2013 22:03:40]All the English titles are ready, my dear Teacher :)
    [The Teacher回覆01/04/2013 09:06:26]That's OK, Chestnut. I'm only joking...
    [版主回覆01/04/2013 06:22:32]Sorry Teacher, I'll add back later!

  7. 《女医生的秘密》是哪个国家的啊?大致说什么内容的?
    [版主回覆01/12/2013 13:07:30]《女医生的秘密》是德國電影,故事是關於一個想從東德移居西德的女醫生。建議看之前不要知道太多劇情,不然看時便沒甚麼味道了。
