2011年8月28日 星期日


反義詞 (antonyms) 的煎熬後,本週要檢查的功課,是一張近義詞 (synonyms) 的工作紙。

那張工作紙,又是以選擇題的形式,問學生某些英文字的近義詞(好悶耶~)。其中一題問 brand (牌子) 的近義詞,見學生選了 make,直覺想送他一個大交叉,但見餘下的三個選項,並沒有看似正確的答案,於是苦思冥想了好一會兒,然後跟學生說:「我看這題是打錯字吧?老師可是想問
bland (
淡然無味) 的近義詞?(按:其中一個選項是 tasteless」誰知學生回道:「不,我查了鴉烏字典,make可解作牌子呢。」


make (n.)

the name or type of machine, piece of equipment, etc. that is made by a
particular company


3 則留言:

  1. make是對的,只是沒那麼常見。所以我懷疑有多少現在的高考生能答對這題。
    [版主回覆08/29/2011 14:30:00]我老板話係 informal language,不過我就從來都未聽過未見過啦~

  2. 看上去像是informal word,但應該不是。沒有brand那麼普遍,但偶然也會見到。
    [版主回覆08/29/2011 20:16:00]我連偶然碰上的機會也沒有呢...

  3. Ok, Chestnut, here's my rant:
    1.  You are holding out on us.  It's very misleading unless you give us all the choices in the MC question.
    2.  There is a school of thought among the muckety-muck English vocabularians (is there such a word... ) that there's no such thing as a synonym.  Therefore, by drilling ESL kids on this, the system is actually encouraging bad diction.  Your thoughts?
    3.  There's a big difference between "make" and "brand".  Make identifies the company that makes the merchandise.  Brand is the name the company gives to the merchandise, or a line of the merchandise it makes.  A single company can have several brands, but not the other way around.
    [版主回覆08/31/2011 21:19:00]Teacher: 1. Let me jot down the options next time I see my student. I just couldn't remember the other two when I wrote this entry. 2. I agree that there is no 同義詞 (words with exact meaning) in this world, but there are plenty of 近義詞 (words with similar meaning). 3. Thanks for the explanation!
