Chungking Express is the only art film, in any language, that I could really sink my teeth into. It was before DVD days, and I had the VHS tape. I must've seen it a dozen times. But I could not recall the line on the expiration date, nor do I remember what Tony said to Faye at the end. Was it when he showed him the boarding pass? Faye showing her love to Tony; you're referring to her cleaning and rearranging his flat? Or are you talking about a dialog. I don't remember her expressing her feelings in words. [版主回覆05/10/2009 19:00:00]Teacher: Tony said 你話去邊就去邊 at the end. The line wasn't special, but his eyes were so attractive. I was referring to her cleaning and rearranging his flat. I prefer doing to talking. This one is really good. I love it!
Chungking Express is the only art film, in any language, that I could really sink my teeth into. It was before DVD days, and I had the VHS tape. I must've seen it a dozen times. But I could not recall the line on the expiration date, nor do I remember what Tony said to Faye at the end. Was it when he showed him the boarding pass?
Faye showing her love to Tony; you're referring to her cleaning and rearranging his flat? Or are you talking about a dialog. I don't remember her expressing her feelings in words.
[版主回覆05/10/2009 19:00:00]Teacher: Tony said 你話去邊就去邊 at the end. The line wasn't special, but his eyes were so attractive.
I was referring to her cleaning and rearranging his flat. I prefer doing to talking.
This one is really good. I love it!
昨天有看過,10多年後的昨天嘗試努力的再去看一遍,不過多年後我對此戲的劇情還是摸不著頭腦 ,不明所以...是因為我的層次不夠吧 !
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/10/2009 19:02:00]Nicole: 當然不是!同一齣電影,每個人的觀感都不同啊!
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/10/2009 19:03:00]芝:只是普通的一句話,不過由梁朝偉說出來,便變得非同凡響
回覆刪除栗子妹, 但係嗰句對白要好似梁朝偉咁靚仔講先有效o架!
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/10/2009 19:03:00]BS2: 我都覺得係!劉華講我都未必咁冧
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/07/2009 08:05:00]Vincent: 萬二分認同!梁跟王那段讓我回味無窮