首先映入眼簾的是標題「What do you consider luxury?」,見 luxury 一字孤家寡人,立即猶豫是否該在其前加上 a,於是便去翻字典。據字典釋,若解作「奢華」(the enjoyment of special and expensive things),luxury 是不可數名詞,不用加 a;若解作「奢侈品」(a thing that is expensive and enjoyable but not essential),才要冠詞的幫忙。由於標題沒指明是奢侈品,所以不加 a 應沒問題。
看完標題便讀正文。學生在文中寫道,食物在發展較落後的國家屬奢侈品 (To people living in the less developed countries, food is a luxury)。起初栗不以為然,只著力替她修改錯漏百出的句子,但想深一層又好像有點不對勁──食物不是生活必需品嗎?雖然那些地方的人民三餐不繼,但這並不會讓食物變成奢侈品吧?
雖然已近午夜,但還是撥電話給學生,跟她查證。誰料她說那篇是作文改正來的!(竟然還錯了那麼多?) 若是那樣,問題便來了:到底是栗因太累而看錯題,還是學生的老師馬虎了事?
學生會不會將 "奢侈品" 等同為 "稀有品"? ~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/26/2008 08:11:00]暖暖:有可能。如果她跟我說「物以稀為貴」,到時我就不知道該如何對答了......
想 food is not a kind of luxury, 但 warm and full stomach (溫飽)對他們也許是吧。
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/26/2008 08:12:00]乏言先生果然是才子 !我就只想到 having enough food
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/26/2008 08:13:00]南爾:錢作怪......誰叫栗妹貪財
I see nothing wrong with that sentence worded symbolically to point out abject poverty. If some people have to skip meals, or go 2 or 3 days without food at times, then food is indeed a luxury, from their prospective.
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/26/2008 08:14:00]Nicole: 因為據字典釋,奢侈品是「可有可無的東西」,所以我便覺得學生的句子有問題了。
Agree with Teacher.
回覆刪除food is a luxury for those who live in poverty
[版主回覆11/26/2008 08:16:00]雲兒:That really depends on the definition of 'luxury'.
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/26/2008 08:16:00]無蹟:我還是那句,奢侈品是「可有可無的東西」
不知她成篇文是怎樣的。但如根據題目我會多些我眼中的luxury多一點。 (Btw,是否錯覺?我中學時作文好像沒作過如此難的題目。好像很難作似的。)
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/26/2008 08:09:00]芝芝:我想是因為世界變得複雜了吧?現在的教育制度,要求要貼近生活、貼近時事,反映在作品題目上面,便變成了這個樣子......
Upon a second look, I see what the problem is here. Luxury should not be translated as 奢侈品 , but the noun form of 奢侈.
回覆刪除奢侈品 should be translated as "luxury items". Then, I'd agree with your statement that food is never 奢侈品 , but could be a luxury for some.
Am I making sense, or am I getting too cute by half here? Anyway, time for bed. Good night!
[版主回覆11/26/2008 07:57:00]Morning, Teach :
That's exactly my problem! According to OALD, luxury is 奢侈品 if it is a countable noun (no need to add 'item'). As my student wrote 'food is a luxury', that's why I think she was wrong.
My colleague suggested changing the sentence to 'having enough food is a luxury'. I think that sounds better but I'm not sure if it's necessary.
To me, the English world is full of mysteries ...
(PS. I bought 'An Officer and A Gentleman' last night )
奢侈品係可有可無 我諗食物唔係可有可無 即使非洲人唔係成日都有食物
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/26/2008 08:00:00]小蝴蝶:對!我就是覺得奢侈品是可有可無,所以才認為學生的句子錯了
恕小弟才疏學淺,點解 blog 主係話加 a 而唔係加 s 呢?
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/26/2008 08:03:00]井兄:因為 luxury 是抽象名詞,雖然可數 (countable),但甚少加 s。如果像 Teacher 所指,改為 luxury item,便應在 item 後面加 s。
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/26/2008 20:29:00]所以我才覺得不能說是 luxury
Chestnut, thanks for your support. I really wasn't sure I was making sense last night because I was already wilting. Now that I'm awake, I reaffirm my earlier statement that there's nothing wrong with your student's original sentence.
Tell me what you think of Officer and Gentleman after you see it.
[版主回覆11/26/2008 20:30:00]Thanks, Teacher!
If everything goes smoothly, I'm going to watch the film this weekend. Sure will let know what I think about the film afterwards.
咁係咪即係抽象名詞就係 加 " a" 呢?
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/26/2008 20:28:00]不是啊,井兄。一般來說,如果是可數名詞 (countable nouns),數量又是一的話,才會在之前加上冠詞 (a, an, the)。
我起初看到題目時,以為 luxury 是可數名詞,所以才考慮是否該加 a 。
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/27/2008 07:56:00]小月:別客氣啦
uh..., on your response to 井兄 , "the" could precede both countable and uncountable nouns. Maybe I misread your statement.
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/27/2008 07:55:00]You're right, Teach. I'll tell 井兄.
Thanks a lot!
哦,原來 blog 主係話 o 係前面加個 a 字,係在下自己誤會 o 左 o 者!真係失禮哂咯!
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/27/2008 07:57:00]井兄:有問題便問,這是非常好的態度呢!怎會失禮?
關於冠詞的使用,請參看樓下 The Teacher 的補充。除了可數名詞外,the 亦可用於不可數名詞,我說錯了