2008年2月25日 星期一




4 則留言:

  1. 你的偶像嗎?
    [版主回覆02/26/2008 07:38:00]是啊!上次《紐約風雲》的提名未能獲獎,替他不值呢!

  2. have you seen him in My Left Foot?
    [版主回覆02/28/2008 13:09:00]Dear Teach: I'd love to, but I couldn't get a DVD so far.
    I'll try Mongkok this weekend.

  3. I got dragged kicking and screaming to see it by a date, I didn't like it much and was quite surprised to see the film becoming so popular.
    He also starred in another film playing an IRA terrorist suspect, but I forgot the title.
    [版主回覆02/29/2008 08:00:00]Dear Teach: You got 'dragged kicking and screaming'? Then I MUST watch the film to see how horrible it is.
    Forget about the terrorist suspect. I just love his role in 'Gangs of New York'. I call him 豬肉佬.

  4. Chestnut, no, that's just an expression.  I meant to say I was reluctant to go see it because I hadn't heard of it, while she was rather enthused.  After we saw it, she was all "ga-ga" over it, while I thought it was interesting, but not great.  In retrospect, I think I would like it alot more if I see it the second time.  Hmm, maybe I should track down the DVD...
    [版主回覆03/05/2008 08:07:00]Dear Teach: Thanks for teaching me such a vivid expression!
    The DVD is really difficult to track down. I tried Kwun Tong & Mong Kok but failed. Maybe I should buy it online ...
