I am surprised CTS 工作人員不專業. I thought they'd be one of the better ones. We normally patronize Wing On for our travel arrangements, or self-serve online. Please write a blog on CTS. [版主回覆04/06/2010 11:59:00]Teacher: I thought so too, but the performance of the tour guides and the driver were really disappointing. I'll write about it tomorrow.
跟邊間旅行社? how much ar?
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/06/2010 10:17:00]中旅, 619一位。不過千萬不要幫襯,工作人員不專業,發生了很多不快事。
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/06/2010 11:58:00]我第一次跟中旅返大陸,不過都係只此一次,以後唔會再幫襯。
I am surprised CTS 工作人員不專業. I thought they'd be one of the better ones. We normally patronize Wing On for our travel arrangements, or self-serve online. Please write a blog on CTS.
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/06/2010 11:59:00]Teacher: I thought so too, but the performance of the tour guides and the driver were really disappointing. I'll write about it tomorrow.
又係 譯字唔譯意. 唔知點解要加英文. 盲公餅連中文都無得解又點譯得成英文呢? 點譯都唔會有意思的.
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/08/2010 08:16:00]大陸近年盛行音譯, 就算譯完唔明都唔理, 一於全部轉做漢語拼音先...
係點防法? 唔係印四個字咁白癡呀?
回覆刪除看來製造商只對懂看英文的人老實, 說出那是false packing 我在廣州的五層樓一蒸爐介紹牌上也看到一頭霧水的英文名 > mirror, 其他內容沒錯的, 只錯此字. 還有公路上錯串enter > entre (我跟導遊說他們忽然改用法文吧)
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/19/2011 07:35:00]也可能是另類欺騙同胞的手法,為免被老外告,便出英文警告字句 大陸的英譯錯漏百出。之前見書店有一本書,羅列了各種誤譯,看完覺得很丟人啊