方便員工, 公司受為. Google 請員工食全日的. Even their cafeterias are planned in places where people from different departments can come together and share ideas. What they could come up with worth a lot more that the meals that Google provided. [版主回覆05/02/2010 19:41:00]A win-win situation? 其實公司的所有德政,是否全是從公司的利益出發?
Are you sure it's your employer who put in the sink? It could've come with the lease. No? [版主回覆05/02/2010 19:45:00]Not sure, Teacher. But the company asks people to wash the 水箱 every month. The company could have it removed to save some money.
Just because they are CEO or owners of business doesn't mean they have the vision for what is the best for the companies. Again, that is how the world go around. What goes up must comes down. Everything rise and fall.
[版主回覆05/02/2010 19:39:00]這很好,若非必要,我也不想勞煩別人。
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/02/2010 19:39:00]可惜我身邊的人都不是這樣想...
" ...洗杯洗碗時嗅到別人辦大事的異味。"
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/02/2010 19:40:00]我想起都覺得難受 :(
方便員工, 公司受為. Google 請員工食全日的. Even their cafeterias are planned in places where people from different departments can come together and share ideas. What they could come up with worth a lot more that the meals that Google provided.
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/02/2010 19:41:00]A win-win situation?
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/02/2010 19:42:00]我想起都覺難受。
Are you sure it's your employer who put in the sink? It could've come with the lease. No?
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/02/2010 19:45:00]Not sure, Teacher. But the company asks people to wash the 水箱 every month. The company could have it removed to save some money.
我也不能接受在洗手間洗水杯/飯盒, 如果沒有茶水間, 那我會索性不洗. 拿回家才洗.
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/02/2010 19:46:00]其實我覺得公司該讓員工有選擇才對,對面公司真的有點小家...
Just because they are CEO or owners of business doesn't mean they have the vision for what is the best for the companies. Again, that is how the world go around. What goes up must comes down. Everything rise and fall.