(以下內容涉及電影【廢男家族】與【Fish Tank】的劇情,敬請留意。)
很自然的,便將【廢男家族】(De helaasheid der dingen) 與【魚缸】(Fish Tank) 比較起來。
The last paragraph blows me away. May I also add that although some well educated people give birth to kids, they may not spend enough time teaching their kids manner and attitude. These kids may be given lots of financial support or tutorial classes. Maybe they can outperform others academically, they lack a right attitude and respect. Sigh...
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/11/2010 11:44:00]說得對。那一批富家子女其實挺可憐的,物質生活豐裕,但心靈卻空虛得很。無怪乎有些會走上吸毒自毀之途