「橋唔怕舊,最緊要受。」這是栗子妹對【騎呢團友愛導遊】(My Life in Ruins) 這齣電影的評價。
回覆刪除呵, 我想去希臘呢 ....
[版主回覆01/11/2010 20:45:00]去吧,小月,希臘是個很美的地方呢
There is nothing new under the sun. 是無 舊橋的. We are still human, and we are human before as well. We are seeing the similar situation or story happening in different areas. Again, as I said before, some how we fail to see the similarity and apply what we already know and we have to re-learn the lesson again every time. Life may not be as complicated as we think. Only if we can see the simple things in life. If we can let go, try to understand other, good things will come our way. This is what the wise men try to tell us for generations. Yet, every generation seen to have to experience it themselves before they can understand.
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/11/2010 20:48:00]Good observation, 堅! I just don't understand why every generation has to experience it themselves rather than believing what the elderly said. Maybe mankind is engineered to behave like this?
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/11/2010 20:49:00]嘩, 啲希臘景真係靚到暈!
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/11/2010 20:50:00]我睇得都幾開心。肥仔著錯衫那段笑到碌低!
輕鬆小品故事, 歷久常新, 百看不厭.
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/11/2010 20:50:00]真的看得高興,希望長做長有
Again, I think language is flawed. There are things that other people cannot understand without having experience it themselves. That insight and wisdom are not transferable. Also we like to think that we are luckier, better than other what happened to them will not happen to us. We are individual. We all experienced the loss of love one but yet we can't feel that same pain of other. We find joy in other people suffering. People are not perfect, I think that is a design flaw if we are created by God. hehe. A better design would make the person that causes other pain hurt twice as much.
回覆刪除唔緊要, 謝謝你的回覆~!
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/12/2010 12:34:00]是否叫裕樹?
哦, 原來叫: 裕樹~
回覆刪除謝謝你, 我記錄低先~ 萬分感激~