2010年1月25日 星期一


之前在報上讀過一篇文章,比較讀書跟投資房產股票的回報。專欄作家稱,供子女到外國留學,回本期長 (有時更會血本無歸!),不及買房產給子女,對他們的保障更大。

記得小時候,栗爸最常掛嘴邊的話,是叫小小栗子妹好好讀書,將來就算押掉家中所有破衣 (?!),也要供栗唸大學。小小栗子妹從沒懷疑過栗爸的話,每天努力唸讀,順利大學畢業。




12 則留言:

  1. Depend on  whether you are working in the related field with your degree. I am applying what I learnt in my university at my position Regards, Michael http://diary.skynovel.info
    [版主回覆02/01/2010 21:48:00]You are a lucky man . You can apply what you've learnt. In order to get a job, I had to start learning new skills once I left university.

  2. "...... 卻發現大學那幾年似是空白一片,不論是學過的知識,還是見過的人物,印象均十分模糊。"----我也是!! 讀的書像過眼雲煙, 只記得學了一個又一個學術理論(什麼後現代主義、東方主義......) 最好的朋友也不是在大學認識的。
    [版主回覆02/02/2010 22:27:00]芝:年紀愈大,愈難交知心好友。最好的朋友,多是中、小學年代結識的呢,因為那年頭,自己的心智仍舊單純

  3. 嫁入豪門也不一定好,最重要是嫁到一個愛錫及懂得珍惜你的人﹗
    [版主回覆02/02/2010 22:28:00]對,不過也不能太窮就是,貧賤夫妻百事哀呀

  4. Why go to university?  To satisfy the thirst for knowledge! 
    [版主回覆02/02/2010 22:29:00]Raymond: To me, reading The Economist can already serve this purpose!

  5. Knowledge is a form of intellectual property whose value never goes down, unlike real estate property.  If you graduated from secondary school in 1997, for instance, and your parents decided to buy property instead of sending you to U, they would still be in the hole, no?
    By the way, I like this blog.  Your typical Chinese modesty and writing are funny.
    [版主回覆02/02/2010 22:33:00]You're right, Teacher. Bad luck for those parents...
    I'm not being modest here. I really need money to 買菜 ar
    On 嫁入豪門, I only think of it when I am daydreaming, which is rare (so busy!)

  6. I just read  愚's comment.  I agree with her that 嫁入豪門也不一定好, in fact, I'd go one step further and re-phrase it to 嫁入豪門 almost certainly 不好.
    Proof:  There are enough studies out there which say that non-rich women who married into rich families are more likely to be disappointed than the average woman.

  7. In most cases, in undergraduate level you only learn the basis. Learn enough that you know there is lot more you don't know. In graduate level, they no longer teach you anything but how to learn on our own. How to think for yourself and make sense of your environment.  學無止景,  那一紙文憑 is only the starting point.  If you are already satisfy then you did wasted your time in college.  College is to challenge our mind and enable us to step out of the box of traditional thinking.  There are free online courses or just class lecture video from Harvard, MIT and Stanford. One that come to mind is   Justice http://www.justiceharvard.org/ I think that is what college is all about.  And somewhere in there, it says your quality of life is based on the level of your education.  I hope you can enjoy this as much as I did. There are even a lot more out there.  College is just the starting point of our life long journey of understanding.

  8. +1 for 堅's post.

  9. 自給自足也好呢, 你看陳復生, 嫁入豪門多恐怖!

  10. Whatever we do in life, go to college or not, the ultimate goal is to enrich ourself so we can be a better member of society and be a contributing member of society and humanity.

  11. 讀大學為何?
    這可以見仁見智了,有的為致用而學問,學有所專,有的卻為做學問的過程,體驗大學生活而進修。這萬萬不可以用物質上的回報率而衡量。若抱以致用為學的心態,相信回首前塵,一片空白也未可知,何解?因為所用的只佔所學的少部份而已。有時後,所學的卻全然“用不著” 。但是這又是否表示進大學是“白費功夫和時間” 呢?乏言則未以為然。進修(讀大學)是一種過程,短短的三年的大學生活,與中學的截然不同,一個由自我作動力去探索知識。再也不“填鴨” 了。訓練的(不論是文學或設計或物理)是一種批判、一種思維方式,這些都是進大學的主體。有了這個體會,大抵「腹有詩書氣自華」、「洞明世事皆學問」便有意思。這裡的詩書不一定是唐詩宋詞莎士比亞,是一種經大學的教育模式歷煉出來的眼界。所為學問,也不一定是數理化,而是對知事情的見解。如果這樣來說,則進修的時光,雖然未能“致用” 也是對個人的修為大有裨益的。
    至於是否嫁入豪門,除了看個人的際遇外,有了一定的學問水平,對於個人自信,想亦有一定的好處。要知道豪門是“往來無白丁” ,能有一定的話題、興趣,使人覺得少奶不只是一個花瓶,而是一位大大方方的女主人,恐怕少點墨水也不行呢。灰姑娘相信不是一個賢內助,為王子主內的人。在外國,很多名媛都是進 finishing school ,相信也就是這道理。

  12. 乏言滔滔怪論,白字連篇,姑娘勿怪
