This may be a misconception. If you have a highflyer in your office. You only feel that you're moving backward, relative to her. But in actuality, you're still 進步 , just not as fast temporarily as another person. Einstein proved that it's true. So there's no reason to despair. [版主回覆01/13/2010 21:06:00]Thank you, Teacher! I wish I could be the highflyer one day.
one thing we've to learn at work is apart from working hard, we have to work smart. learn to prioritize, think of the ways to more effectively execute a task first before jumping into it.
栗子妹﹕不要灰心及過份自責,做人就是這樣有時會退步,有時又會進步﹗你懂得 如夢初醒已經很好,那伯遲呢﹗加油啊﹗比心機啊﹗我請您食甜品。祝福您啊
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/13/2010 21:05:00]謝謝愚 !今天已經好了點,不過還是有點沮喪...
This may be a misconception.
If you have a highflyer in your office. You only feel that you're moving backward, relative to her. But in actuality, you're still 進步 , just not as fast temporarily as another person. Einstein proved that it's true. So there's no reason to despair.
[版主回覆01/13/2010 21:06:00]Thank you, Teacher!
I wish I could be the highflyer one day.
工作總是有起有跌的。平時看你的分享, 也覺得你做得不錯, 是否有時會有點完美主義? 聽說工作不用做到100分, 只要達到要求便成 。上司說快凌駕於靚和正(不過也得看是哪種工作)。看公司著重什麼, 便儘量配合。 我工作上也有很多要改善的地方, 我們一齊努力啊!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/13/2010 21:08:00]芝說得對,事事若要做足一百分,很快便沒命的。
與其羨慕其他人, 不如學習他們的長處。其實妳都可以試下10個月前開始為10個月後的工作準備丫~
我晉身左由香港青年協會主辦﹑名為「愛生命‧愛現在‧愛將來」網誌創作比賽既決賽, 請到我blog 踴躍留言, 以及click入以下網頁, 投我神聖5票, 多謝。(每個IP最多可以投5票) ( .php )
one thing we've to learn at work is apart from working hard, we have to work smart. learn to prioritize, think of the ways to more effectively execute a task first before jumping into it.