不是說笑,栗子妹真的不懂得譯以下這句中的 live:
The last common ancestor of all monkeys and apes lived about 40 million years ago.
所有猴類和猿類的最後共同祖先生活在約 4 千萬年前。
所有猴類和猿類的最後共同祖先約在 4 千萬年前出現。
Far be it from me to 賜教 you, but just an observation:
回覆刪除The simple past tense of "lived" means that this ancestor is no longer living. So, shouldn't the expression "曾經" be part of the translation somehow?
[版主回覆10/24/2009 07:24:00]You've raised a good point, Teacher. But somehow, I don't think it's necessary to include 曾經 unless you want to emphasize the point that the last common ancestor extincted.
Out of the 3 translations I like the first one the most; the second and the third one obviously doesn't convey the idea of the original sentence. " The last common ancestor of all monkeys and apes lived about 40 million years ago. " The way I understand it is that the last common ancestor disappeared about 40 million years ago, so how about: " 所有猴類和猿類的最後共同祖先 消失於約 4 千萬年前 。 " ?
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/24/2009 07:28:00]Raymond 提出了一個很大膽的譯法呢!我認為理解沒錯,不過活於/消失於,給我的感覺,是一件事情的兩面,要看作者想強調哪一點。
謝謝 Raymond
回覆刪除所有猴類和猿類 最後 的 共同祖先 存活於約 4 千萬年前 。
[版主回覆10/24/2009 07:32:00]謝謝 P 兄出手相助
關於 last common ancestor 的譯法,認同用「最後的共同祖先」比較恰當 (順耳 ),但不知怎地,上網查的時候,見很多人都譯「最後共同祖先」,於是便人云亦云了
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/24/2009 07:33:00]謝謝井兄
我諗我會咁譯: " 所有猴類和猿類的最後共同祖先大 約活於 4 千萬年前"
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/24/2009 07:34:00]謝謝貓眼
確實,只要將「生活在」改為「(存) 活於」,句子便順耳得多。
Thank you so much !
回覆刪除My immediate response is :猿猴類的老祖宗存活於約 4 千萬年前. Instead of dwelling on the word 〝lived〞, I'd focus myself on t he literal translation of the first part「所有猴類和猿類的最後共同 祖 先」; though correct, it sounds a bit long-winded and weird. BTW, it seems that 「最終共同」is slightly better than 「最後共同」. 區區在下愚見.
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/16/2010 06:22:00] 譯得好!多謝! 唉,我重讀句子,還是不懂譯。