2009年8月20日 星期四



HK feeling the heat already

I urge (促請) Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen to act now to combat (減輕) the effects of climate change in Hong Kong.

The heat in urban areas can sometimes be unbearable (難以忍受). Very hot weather warnings are frequently being issued (發出). Just walking down the street makes you break out in a sweat (渾身冒汗). Many Hong Kong people go to shopping malls to escape the heat. The situation is exacerbated (使惡化) by high-rises.

I am concerned that such an uncomfortable situation puts off (令人反感/討厭) some tourists, and if their numbers fall, this will have an adverse effect (不利影響) on our economy.

I am also concerned about how rising temperatures affect our wildlife, which is so precious (珍貴). The habitats (棲息地) of some migratory birds (候鳥) might be affected.

We have beautiful beaches country parks and hiking paths. We must do more to protect this environment.

Rebecca Wong, Kwun Tong
17 August 2009

單字不難,詞組如 break out in a sweatput off 等,倒是要提醒學生好好留意。


1 則留言:

  1. No kidding!  I was thinking about the  通識科 angle of this thing.  There's a population of 7 million, and many are too poor to have AC.  And this Rebecca's primary concern is tourism and the economy.  What's wrong with this picture? Is this article a plant from the Liberal Party?
    [版主回覆08/24/2009 08:13:00]Hey, Teacher. Then the article has served its purpose - to provoke discussion.
    There are too many good articles which talk about the pros and cons of a particular issue. In a Liberal Studies class, I think students need some with bias, or it will become another kind of rote learning.
    In Metro HK, they have a series of articles about global warming, from the view of the poor.
    And thanks a lot for your letters to the editor ! I'll pick an easier one for my students.
