人們說東方人講究吃,其實西方人也不賴;美味可口的菜餚,俯拾皆是。吃東西讓人快樂,東西方亦然。正所謂行樂要及時,eat, drink and be merry!
不過行樂要節制,飲食也要適宜。即使餓極 (I can eat a horse!),也絕對不能暴飲暴食。尤其是女性,除了要顧及體型,還要顧及面子──難道閣下想揹上「口大吃窮郎」,eat your husband out of house and home 的罪名嗎?
記得讀過一篇文章,說中國人在吃方面十分勇敢,幾乎甚麼東西都可以吞下肚子。這個栗子妹可不信了。我們中華民族的飲食文化源遠流長,豈會如此隨便?如果是真的,I'll eat my hat!
有說「食不言、寢不語」,記得小時候,栗子妹有次邊吃飯邊滔滔不絕,結果給栗爸栗媽狠狠責罰;看他們的樣子,簡直是想 eat me alive1!
話說回來,現今食物和燃料價格上漲,人們說上街吃飯 (eat out2) 比在家裡煮便宜。不過上街吃飯,份量不由自己控制;有時即使叫了少飯,份量還是多得很,食量少的栗子妹,要 eat up all my food,不浪費食物,委實不易啊!
1 to eat somebody alive這句俗語還可解作「大敗某人」和「被昆蟲叮」,例:
The defence lawyers are going to eat you alive tomorrow. (辯方律師明天要徹底打你們。)
I was being eaten alive by mosquitoes. (蚊子要把我活活吃掉了。)
2 to eat out 還有偷情的含義,慎用!(舊文)
You really got me going with this blog, and this is just the first of my comments.
Question on 口大吃窮郎 . Does it literally refer only to consumption of food, or should it be just consumption in general, as in a 港女?
[版主回覆06/24/2009 08:25:00]Morning, Teacher
I guess 口大吃窮郎 refers to consumption in general. I think a woman with a big mouth (literal meaning) doesn't mean she will eat a lot.
On your second comment, may I ask you a question? What do you mean by the sexual connotation? In Cantonese we have 男人偷食, meaning a man has an affair. So 'to eat out' is not the same as 偷食?
Wow, 'I'll eat my hat' is really difficult to translate. Lazy Chestnut will pick the easiest one: 我才不信你.
Ok, I am not familiar with "eating out" meaning 偷情 . I wrote on your other blog the sexual connotation.
Another question: how do you translate "I'll eat my hat" ?
Haha very good article, very funny!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/24/2009 08:26:00]Thanks for the compliment, Teamaster
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/24/2009 08:26:00]對呀,井兄,正因如此,所以那本雜誌才長賣長有吧?
對於食,慧行從不講究,但求一餐溫飽,已經非常滿足!食得是福嘛 ~ 吃甚麼都無所謂囉!
[版主回覆06/24/2009 08:27:00]慧行先生說得對,就算大魚大肉又如何?最緊要是吃得開懷,以及與自己喜歡的人一起吃啊
1. Ok, I thought so. Of course, "a big mouth" is another colloquial expression which means something totally unrelated to consumption of any kind... Isn't English grand?
回覆刪除2. Like I said, I am not familiar with "eating out" to mean 偷食, but if your Canadian boss says so, I'll take his word for it. As I told you in that previous blog, "eating out" means a man performing oral sex on a woman. The "clinical term" is cunnilingus. I am absolutely certain he knows that too because it's very common.
thank you so much ! Miss Chestnut
回覆刪除I must say reading your 咬文嚼栗 together with the responses from other bloggers is now more thought-provoking than 征服英語. Look foward to your further entries on this topic.
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/14/2010 20:35:00]咁就要多謝各位博(學多才的)客(人)啦,沒有他們跟我唱和,這裡便沒有甚麼看頭。 而事實上,透過寫這一系列的文章,我學到了不少東西。真的要感謝大家給我的留言。