2008年12月16日 星期二



The British government's latest crack at reforming schools is yet another step towards contentless learning (全文按此)

好一句 contentless learning (沒有內容的學習),正正道出了時下教育制度的弊端!早幾年,各界猛烈評擊填鴨式教育制度的害處;從善如流的教育局官員便忘不迭的來個大改革,東找找、西抄抄,引入目標為本、全方位學習、評估等概念,又教學生要有批判思維 (critical thinking),諸如此類。但他們忘了一個很根本的問題:若學生肚子裡沒半點知識、半點墨水,他們拿甚麼準則來思考?按甚麼來自學?

我支持要讓學生學會學習,但在實現這個理想以前,學校絕對有義務教學生一些實質的知識 (facts),不是隨意寫一個題目,讓學生盲目地去找資料便可了事!撫心自問,專題研習真能引發學生興趣,讓他們有所得著?

至於死記硬背 (rote learning),這當然不好,但一些優秀的文章,絕對值得讓學生背誦學習。如果不趁年輕時背多點,到老來想背便已經太遲了。讀書學習,絕對有黃金時期的。

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The report suggests that everything be mashed into six "learning areas". The titles alone appal. History will be part of "human, social and environmental understanding", where it will compete for airtime with geography and, no doubt, global warming (is it any wonder that Gordon Brown has to scrabble about for a recognisable definition of national identity?). Britain's increasingly fat children will presumably cut back what limited running around the playground they do now and sit, rapt, through lessons in "understanding physical health and well-being" (rumoured to include "happiness" lessons too).

8 則留言:

  1. The Brits and the Americans both.  This "contentless" learning created young adults who think Latin is spoken in Latin America, and American Indians were originally from India.  They also could not fill out a simple employment application form from McDonald's without help, nor could they do simple addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers.  This is the beginning of the decline of western culture.
    HK education, on the other hand, packs in too much content, without guidance on how to process it, which leads to rote learning as the only way to pass the exams.  We need a balance between the two systems.
    [版主回覆12/16/2008 22:03:00]Thanks for the info, Teach. You know, parents in HK are eager to send their children abroad to Britain and America. What's the point?
    Agree with you that HK education packs in too much content, but now the people in the bureau are trying to 'decontentise'  the syllabus! It's just like a pendulum swing from one point to another ...

  2. 對呀, 記得我們讀書時常要全文背誦, 有些詩文至今還會背, 可見效果
    [版主回覆12/16/2008 22:06:00]無蹟:以前中文書有一課叫〈荒蕪了的花園〉,那時老師未教,我自己先背了

  3. 「熟讀唐詩三百首,不會諗時也會偷。」背書其實真係有本身價值的。
    [版主回覆12/16/2008 22:08:00]南爾:可惜現在的老師,都甚少讓學生背書了......

  4. Either the parents don't know the western system is going to the dogs, or they don't care, figuring just higher proficiency in English, even without a superior education, is likely to have more market value.  They may have a point.
    [版主回覆12/18/2008 20:54:00]You're right, Teach. Local employers tend to employ people with high proficieny in English ...

  5. 栗子妹:背誦固然重要,但如果只是死背書而不求甚解的話,那倒不如不背!

  6. 嘻!乏言乃“死背書”長大。亦讚成背誦。
    1. 對學問的理解  : 很多時要配合人生經歷,第一次接觸一篇文章的時候,可能不甚了了,沒關係,過一段日子,卻另有一番體味。比如說,第一次背“ Let me not to the marriage of ture minds .....”時可能理解較差,但日後自能引證莎翁的看法。
    2. 文化的沉澱  :   當記熟了一篇好的文章時,慢慢地會將它的意義,文句溶進自己的字庫裡,有日會發現,自己的文章在不知不覺間以運用了這些文句,再加上自己的演譯,正如唐代古文大家韓愈所謂“師其意,不思其詞”,但之所以能“師其意”則必須經過背誦才成。
    3. 心靈的感化 : 很多宗教的經文,在背誦間對心靈也有一種潛而默化之效,比如佛教之般若波羅密多心經;天主教的 Our Father;或道教之太平經等。若要每一句都去精研其意,所能窮一生之力,也未竟全功,然而,當可以背得瑯瑯上口時,對心靈也有一定的好處。
    4. 對文學的欣賞:一些優美的文學,必須經背誦後,始能達到欣賞之境,比如“落霞與孤鶩齊飛,秋水共長天一色,漁舟唱晚…”等並非利用 search engine 找出全文來體會。
    [版主回覆12/18/2008 21:02:00]謝謝乏言先生的分享!

  7. 也是的, 而家啲後生, 成日都唔記得啲英文的串法, 可能電腦太方便, 他們懶得背誦, 所以好似唔識字咁.
    [版主回覆12/18/2008 21:03:00]祈櫻子:其實不只本地的年青人,很多外國人的串字能力也很弱,這全都是教育問題

  8. 栗子妹:乏言兄一言驚醒夢中人 ......
    [版主回覆12/18/2008 21:05:00]哈哈,慧行先生終於睡醒了嗎?
