在兼職的稿件中,看到 eating out (上街吃飯) 一詞,憶起工作上的一段小插曲。
話說栗子妹之前寫過一個兒童故事,內容是關於一家人上街吃飯。故事寫好後,配上標題 Eating out,自覺很完美,誰知審稿員 (加拿大人) 的評語竟然寫道:eating out 有「性」的含義!嚇得栗忙不迭的修改,以免背上「教壞細路」的惡名。
今次重遇這個詞,當然要徵詢委托人 (英國人) 意見,看看是否須要修改。誰知兩位委托人的回覆都是「不用」。於是栗便翻翻字典 (對,當年我沒有翻過),發覺 to eat out 在牛津字典中,除了「上街吃飯」,就沒有別的意思,於是我想:to eat out 是否只在美加變了種?
[補:教育局的小學英語課程指引中,其中一個單元的分題是 eating out。]
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說起兒童故事標題,之前栗寫過一個關於魔幻蘑菇的故事,完稿後以 The magic mushroom 為題,自覺貼切不過,誰知加拿大的審稿員告知,原來 magic mushroom 在彼岸是毒品,結果我要整個故事重寫……
magic mushroom的確是一種天然毒品。
回覆刪除http://www.police.gov.hk/offbeat/731/eng/bottom.htm http://www.police.gov.hk/offbeat/731/chi/bottom.htm
[版主回覆03/23/2008 15:29:00]大人:栗子妹是大鄉里嘛,又懶查證......
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/23/2008 15:36:00]祈櫻子:這些年的工作經驗告訴栗子妹,愈簡單的字,愈容易中招!
I think your Canadian colleague was being silly. Yes, "eating someone out" could possibly have a sexual meaning, specifically, a man performing oral sex on a woman, provided that there is a proper context. If it's a title of a story, it'd take the most one-track minded and mischievous person to "misunderstand".
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/23/2008 15:33:00]Dear Teach: Many thanks for your explanation!
> If it's a title of a story, it'd take the most one-track minded and mischievous person to "misunderstand".
I thought about this, but just to play safe (in case some picky teachers or parents read this story), I decided to change the title to something else.
to avoid all possible problems, how about Dining Out as a title?
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/23/2008 15:34:00]Oh, nice title! I love it. I'll save it for next time.
Thanks, Teach!
栗子妹:慧行英文水平沒栗子妹那麼高,所以無法奉告,不過慧行以 eating out 從網上查到以下這個網頁,看看能不能幫到栗子妹了解多些吧!
[版主回覆03/23/2008 15:34:00]慧行先生:謝謝先生替栗子妹找資料!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/23/2008 15:36:00]無蹟:就是因為太多解釋,所以我才會「中招」
你不說我也不知道﹗原來這樣。。。不知道Vancouver每年舉行的Dine Out是不是這個原因﹖
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/01/2008 07:53:00]噫,霜儀,那是一個節日來的嗎?有甚麼活動呢?