追問下去,編輯著栗查看 Oxford Guide to English Grammar。原來當中有這樣一句:
These rules are not absolute. (按:指形容詞排序的規則) The order can sometimes be different. We sometimes prefer to put a short adjective before a long one. (Oxford Guide to English Grammar, p. 256)
本書都說 sometimes prefer 啦,為甚麼要堅持將所有形容詞重新排序,那麼費時失事?(按:他堅持將 pretty and clean 改為 clean and pretty,因為 clean 比 pretty 少一個字母,應該要排先!)
編輯回覆:「你看 Oxford Guide to English Grammar 給的例子 big and horrible,big 是 size,horrible 是 opinion。本來根據文法規則,應該 opinion 先於 size,但現在這樣排,還不是因為 big 較短?」
問遍公司裡所有同事,他們都說沒聽過這樣可笑的理由。外藉同事說,要視乎作者/講者想強調哪個形容詞,例如說 hard-working and smart,是想強調勤力;說 smart and hard-working,則是聰明較重要。
Aldous Huxley
Brave New World
'How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable/Seem to me all the uses of this world.' Hamlet
'O, villain, villain, smiling, damned villain!' Hamlet
'Cold-blooded, smooth-faced, placid miscreant!' Don Juan
"very ugly old woman, with red rims round her eyes, and a mouth that mumbled and chattered of itself when she was not speaking" Dombey and Son
栗當然沒有再跟那位編輯爭拗下去,就由他那 pathetic little brain 去 fancy 個夠吧!
個理由都好好笑喎! 我自問都算係grammar nazi(尤其係對德文), 但响呢位編輯面前都要認輸了
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/27/2013 08:38:55]我同事因為這起事件寫了一個故事,她答應讓我轉載給大家看。
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/03/2013 08:37:43]總有機會的 ;)
Despite being a purist, I contend that we need not follow some of the rules if the difference is minor. After all, communication is the ultimate goal of learning a language. Besides, it is clearly stated that the order can sometimes be different.
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/03/2013 08:39:10]最慘係佢講極都唔聽,死牛一邊頸。這種編輯,冇前途。