2010年2月22日 星期一






5 則留言:

  1. 我的夢想就是賺很多很多的錢,然後再花花花呢~
    [版主回覆02/23/2010 22:05:00]不要緊啦,多有多花,少有少花嘛!最緊要花得開心、花得其所 :)

  2. 那你的夢想是什麼﹖人間其實還存在很多的悲劇,只是我們沒留意,或者不想知道﹗我想每個人都有夢想,如沒生活可能覺得沒味兒,但有時這些夢想真是......非常難實現。
    [版主回覆02/23/2010 22:07:00]我現在的工作,其實已經是我兒時的夢想。可惜現實生活磨人,夢想最終淪為生財工具...
    電影中女主角的夢想也是很難實現的,但若沒有那些夢,我真想像不到她為何仍能活下去 :(

  3. I can't remember how many well known people came out and said they were abused as a child. I think it happened more than we like. Precious is not a easy movie to watch but it is real and it is part of humanity hopefully only a small part. But even one is too many.  Please don't have kids just for the fun of it. Have them only when you can afford and able to love and teach them well.
    [版主回覆02/23/2010 22:14:00]The reality is, when you are responsible enough to have kids, you can't have one because of reasons no one knows.
    I'm sure lots of people suffer like Precious. 不過知就一件事, 見到就真係好難受
    Those abuse stories are used to encourage others to lead a better life. Kind of sarcastic to me ...

  4. 這片子好像仍未在香港上大銀幕。看來很有深度。
    [版主回覆02/23/2010 22:16:00]乏言先生:我看的是優先場,今個星期四便會正式上畫。

  5. I think the abuse stories are real and we just like to push them aside. I said before people may not be good parents naturally. Most if not all of us spend our adult life try to undo our childhood. We have all these serial killers, rapists, people throwing drain opener down the street, and too many more to list are because something happened in our childhood. If 人之初性本善 is true then something made us turn bad. However, that assumption could be totally wrong and 孔子 led us to a false sense of understanding.
