A relationship that is not supported by family is indeed "sun fu". Listen to what your mum has to say about this guy. Why is she rejecting him? Do the reasons make sense? Sometimes, parents can see something that we can't. It may be good to us. But if your parent are not making sense, of course stick with your bf la. [版主回覆05/31/2009 20:51:00]Simply Natural: Sadly, my mum's points are valid, but I just don't think they're very important. If I broke up with him, I'd never date another one.
If it's about age, race or look, then she could be simply ignored. But if it's about personality thing, I believe the older people see more, like what they always claim, they eat more salt than we eat rice [版主回覆05/31/2009 20:55:00]Teamaster: You're right. I won't listen to her if it's about look or age, but it's about something else ...
I am so sorry to hear that. I couldn't honestly say that I feel your pain because I never had that kind of relationship with my family. I presume your mom gave you her reasons and you found them to be reasonable and acceptable. [版主回覆05/31/2009 21:01:00]You're right, Teacher. Her reasons are acceptable, but I just don't think those things really matter.
Wish you all the best... I wanted to say, "Go with your heart" From the above responses and replies, you agree with your mom's points, just not sure if it should matter that much ... I don't know what points they are, but one thing I've learnt from my past relationship: Love is important, but compatability is even more so! If the point is not important right now, how about in few more years, and will it lead to other problems? For sure, not having parents support will make things much more difficult... now just ask yourself, if you have some tiny voices in your head telling you he's the one or not the one for you? [版主回覆06/01/2009 08:10:00]Thanks a lot, Southern Gal Yes, compatability is important. My boyfriend and I may not be perfect match, but we can try to compromise and get along well. I'm sure time will tell. The tiny voices in my head ... I don't want to break up with him at the moment.
Because his job / he has divorced / He has children? You really want to give up? [版主回覆06/01/2009 08:11:00]祈櫻子:就是不想,所以才煩。如果想的話,根本就不會開始。 他是患了「人蠢無藥醫」這種世紀絕症......
Per Southern Gal's question, if your tiny voice still says go, then go and marry your love, regardless of what your parents say. I am sure all your true friends will support you.
栗子, 你媽咪要拆散鴛鴦呀! 點解呀!? good luck~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/31/2009 20:50:00]謝謝Miss K,我等栗媽冷靜一下再談。
A relationship that is not supported by family is indeed "sun fu".
回覆刪除Listen to what your mum has to say about this guy. Why is she rejecting him? Do the reasons make sense? Sometimes, parents can see something that we can't. It may be good to us. But if your parent are not making sense, of course stick with your bf la.
[版主回覆05/31/2009 20:51:00]Simply Natural: Sadly, my mum's points are valid, but I just don't think they're very important.
If I broke up with him, I'd never date another one.
[版主回覆05/31/2009 20:53:00]Pui: 她有道理的,不過我真的覺得那不重要。
If it's about age, race or look, then she could be simply ignored. But if it's about personality thing, I believe the older people see more, like what they always claim, they eat more salt than we eat rice
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/31/2009 20:55:00]Teamaster: You're right. I won't listen to her if it's about look or age, but it's about something else ...
栗子妹:栗媽會不會是過份緊張所致?兒女的婚姻大事就讓兒女們自行處理好了,不是說過兒孫自有兒孫福嗎?栗子妹也不要氣餒,只要好好想想如果兩人是真心相愛,而男的又可靠、無不良嗜好、有正當職業和有責任心的話,栗子妹就要好好的愛下去啊! 不過,栗子妹也要好好跟栗媽說個明白,千萬要讓她嫁女嫁得安心呀
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/31/2009 20:56:00]慧行先生:其實按慧行先生的「條件」,這個男人都不是很可靠呢
栗妹要問自己呢個人適唔適呵, 父母的意見可作參考.
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/31/2009 20:57:00]雲兒:栗媽已經出動到眼淚攻勢,我宜家好煩呀
栗子妹, 栗媽媽咁快有咁嘅決定真係奇怪喎!
回覆刪除無論結果點都好, 都希望妳幸福愉快.
[版主回覆05/31/2009 20:58:00]謝謝BS2
I am so sorry to hear that. I couldn't honestly say that I feel your pain because I never had that kind of relationship with my family. I presume your mom gave you her reasons and you found them to be reasonable and acceptable.
[版主回覆05/31/2009 21:01:00]You're right, Teacher. Her reasons are acceptable, but I just don't think those things really matter.
下? 分手費由女方預備架咩?
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/31/2009 21:02:00]當然不是!不過我真是沒想過栗媽會有此安排的,我還以為她接受了我的男友呢......
我也覺得要想想母親的反對理由是否合理。很少這麼快便這麼強烈地反對的。不過你也有你自己的想法...... 希望你快樂!
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/31/2009 21:03:00]芝:栗媽不是無理取鬧,要怪就怪我男友不識大體吧
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/31/2009 21:04:00]謝謝南爾!我都希望事情可以快點解決。
真係要睇下究竟佢有咩理由要咁堅決喎。 不過無論如何,咁都係好麻煩架啦。我明白。 回下面﹕家陣係女方要分手嘛……
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/31/2009 21:05:00]唉,最大問題係我男友人蠢沒藥醫,不然又哪會弄到如斯田地?
有時旁觀者看到的.. 當事人未必看得清... 人我真正品性不是一時三時可以看清... 那媽媽都是為子女幸福著想的... 祝栗妹幸福啊。
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/01/2009 08:07:00]謝謝Ann!我都覺得旁觀者清,或許再看清楚一點才作決定吧!今年結婚也未必是好事
Wish you all the best...
回覆刪除I wanted to say, "Go with your heart" From the above responses and replies, you agree with your mom's points, just not sure if it should matter that much ... I don't know what points they are, but one thing I've learnt from my past relationship: Love is important, but compatability is even more so! If the point is not important right now, how about in few more years, and will it lead to other problems? For sure, not having parents support will make things much more difficult... now just ask yourself, if you have some tiny voices in your head telling you he's the one or not the one for you?
[版主回覆06/01/2009 08:10:00]Thanks a lot, Southern Gal
Yes, compatability is important. My boyfriend and I may not be perfect match, but we can try to compromise and get along well. I'm sure time will tell.
The tiny voices in my head ... I don't want to break up with him at the moment.
Because his job / he has divorced / He has children?
回覆刪除You really want to give up?
[版主回覆06/01/2009 08:11:00]祈櫻子:就是不想,所以才煩。如果想的話,根本就不會開始。
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/01/2009 13:03:00]那你也要當個蠢男人的好
回覆刪除栗妹喜歡他甚麼? 栗媽不喜歡他甚麼?
我從不認為必須嫁父母認可的人, 要相信自己的判斷能力.
Per Southern Gal's question, if your tiny voice still says go, then go and marry your love, regardless of what your parents say. I am sure all your true friends will support you.
回覆刪除栗子妹:呵呵 ~ 咁栗子妹鍾意佢啲咩呢?千祈唔好委屈了自己,別忘了栗子妹有最好的條件揀最好的老公,但係 .... 如果栗子妹真係對佢情有獨鍾的話,就要好好的去愛,也要好好的去管,栗子妹知道嗎?女人一定要管得住男人就不怕他“不是很可靠”
回覆刪除栗媽一定有她的看法, 父母終為子女好, 聽聽栗媽說的道理再想一想, 到底是哪裡不對
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/05/2009 08:27:00]無蹟:我知栗媽有理,但有時候就是心不由已~~~
栗媽只係緊張您姐,我爸爸以前都係咁架,叫我疏遠佢再睇清楚先喎 ~ 哈哈 ~ 唔投入又點會睇到佢既好呢 ? 唔洗煩 ~ 順其自然,天會為您作決定的!
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/05/2009 08:24:00]貝貝:確實,唔投入又何必拍拖?不過太投入,又可能會看得不夠仔細,所以宜採取若即若離的態度
拍拖...始終都是兩個人的事. 亦没有甚麼條件可言, 鐘意就係鐘意, 只要係兩情相悅就得啦! 粟子妹常為人設想, 人生有幾多事是我們能掌握呢? 不要介意"拖住人地d時間". 能行到幾遠就幾遠吧! 不想放棄, 就要努力付出, 全心地愛吧! 私情支持你! 亦很開心知道這個消息!
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/05/2009 08:22:00]謝謝私情支持!