2012年2月25日 星期六


補習學生說要放棄 M1(高中數學選修單元一),無論栗頭如何勸說,誓死不聽。不過,要放棄也並非一說即成,在等待批核期間,她還是要如常上課計數。

這天,她拿著一堆關於貝葉斯定理 (Bayes' Theorem) 的題目前來詢問,未讀過 M1 的栗頭,唯有硬著頭皮跟她一起讀例題學解。奇妙地,栗只讀了一題,便已完全明白,然後跟學生做了兩題,她便有能力獨自完成所有習題。





2 則留言:

  1. I remember Bayes conditional probability...the beginning stuff is not hard, then it gets harder....
    [版主回覆03/04/2012 08:51:09]That's what my student told me. She dropped the subject in the end.

  2. Speaking of Bayes, have you checked out the Monty Hall Paradox? It's kind of Bayes, but then.....maybe....... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monty_Hall_problem
    This one may be easier to understand the St Petersburg Paradox I told you about earlier.
    [The Teacher回覆03/06/2012 08:53:50]You look like the kind that could study anything by yourself. When it comes to conditional, after the basics, you need to know your calculus well to go on.
    [版主回覆03/04/2012 22:35:48]I heard of it. And yes, it's easier than the St Petersburg Paradox!
    Teacher, do you think I can study conditional probability all by myself? I find this topic quite interesting.
