2012年2月24日 星期五





1. 其實這樣比較有點不公平吧?拍電影並不一定要對電影充滿感情的。有固然好,沒有又不是太大問題,只要電影拍得好看便行。

2. 馬田史高西斯對電影的鍾愛,確實教栗感動萬分。今早讀熊先生的專欄時,想起昨晚看的【雨果】,禁不住眼濕濕。

6 則留言:

  1. 我已買了票,週六晚看 The Artist,想星期日看 Hugo,看時間是否許下呢!
    [版主回覆02/27/2012 19:30:33]兩齣電影今日平分春色,真好 :)

  2. 他的論調是:《星光夢裡人》的默片形式純為製造 gimmick,不帶真感情。然而,這是電影,不是紀錄片 - 許多紀錄片也非常gimmick 哩 - 不是求愛,也不是祈禱;「糖衣」之說,十分偏見。《星光夢裡人》正正告訴我們,一部電影,縱只是黑白默片,亦可跨越年代,今天依然能令人覺得好看,這是努力回到「電影本身」(film in itself) 以言電影;借用妳所說:重回電影的懷抱,其志可嘉呢。
    [版主回覆03/04/2012 08:32:45]沒想過有不少人抱持這個論調!我看的時候,只覺得故事和演員吸引 (我喜歡演 Pepper Miller 的女星,還有小狗兒),沒想過是否向前輩致敬;而事實上,致不致敬又有何干?最重要是好看嘛...

  3. 剛從戲院回來,我覺得電影不錯呀,我有幾幕都看到眼濕濕呢!
    [版主回覆03/04/2012 08:37:04]看到男主角抱著膠卷的一幕,忍不住流淚。另外,他望著櫥窗裡的西裝,然後女主角偷偷坐在車上流淚,那一幕也很動人。
    或許正如 Lili Marleen 所說,他們覺得電影是 rip off,而導演又抽前輩的水,所以不喜歡吧。

  4. The Artist既戲情, 靈感好明顯係來自好幾部舊片, 如Sunset Blvd, A Star is born, Singing in the rain. 或許有影評人覺得是rip off吧. 不過假若有人會因為呢部電影而對黙片產生興趣, 也算是一件好事呀.
    [版主回覆03/04/2012 08:42:10]對呀,縱然是利益先行,但出了一部不錯的作品,令大家對默片產生興趣,這對電影業來說都是一件好事。希望往後的電影,會多點留意故事,少點強調特技。

  5. 還未看星光夢裏人,我想我應該會睡著,事實上看雨果開頭也在半夢半醒,與電影無關,只是人太累,睇咩都瞓。
    [版主回覆03/04/2012 08:42:20]唉,我也是,【魔球】睡了四分之三,【永恆的一天】就半睡半醒。

  6. I also agree with inanna. I think both films are sincerely made. It is interesting to find that watching a silent movie requires a lot of attention since their exaggerated facial expressions and body movements, instead of spoken words, tell the story. I am touched by some of the scenes in the Artists. I love the staircase scene in which the lady walks up and the the guy walks down. It symbolizes the rise of the lady's career and the downfall of the guy's. The first scene and the last scene also remind me of my passion for movies. The message is that we should not forget about the strengths of silent movies and we should strike a balance between silent movies and talkies. It reminds me of the growing popularity of 3D movies because of the rampant illegal downloading. However, when I left the theater, I heard some people saying that it was boring because of the lack of spoken dialogues. I also had difficulty in concentrating at the beginning, whereas I got used to it after 30 minutes and I enjoyed it till the end. Thanks to charismatic Jean Dujardin, the movie becomes humorous and romantic. Among the Oscar Best Picture nominees, I personally prefer the Descendant. Still, I do recommend the Artist to people if they truly love movies.

    As for Hugo, I am touched by the second half, yet the first half drags. Besides, the characters in the station are paper thin and I can't relate myself to them.
    [版主回覆03/04/2012 08:49:06]認同對 Hugo 的評價。同事問我好不好看,我想了很久,最後說了一句:「若非影癡,應該不會覺得好看吧。」單就劇情而言,Hugo 頗為拖沓,沒有 adventure story 應有的緊湊節奏。不過當中提到關於 Melies 和電影的故事,還有那些重拍,怎能不叫影癡陶醉呢?
