2012年2月12日 星期日


是日補習,跟中五學生研習 2011 年高考英文科 Section C 的試題,當中有這樣一句:

They (= ghosts) thrive in an atmosphere of candlelight and decay.

著學生解釋,他斷斷續續道:「他們 ... 成長 (= thrive) ... 在大氣層 (= atmosphere) ...」


[按:此句的 atmosphere 該解作「氣氛」,thrive 則宜譯作「興旺、興盛」。]

1 則留言:

  1. I don't think candle-light should be hyphenated unless it's an adjective, which it clearly isn't, in this sentence. Way to go, HKEAA!
    [版主回覆02/14/2012 08:07:26]That's my fault, Teacher. No hyphen in the paper :p
