(以下內容涉及電影【星光夢裡人】(The Artist) 的劇情,敬請留意)
因著這樣的成長背景,令栗在看【星光夢裡人】時份外投入與感動。【星光夢裡人】是一齣仿古黑白默片,故事發生在 1927 年的荷里活,其時默片盛行,男星 George Valentin 以誇張的做手和詼諧的表情,擄獲萬千觀眾的心。某天他遇上渴望成為女伶的 Pepper Miller,在事業上拉了她一把。後來有聲電影出現了,Valentin 的星途開始沉寂,Miller 的卻是更上層樓……
喜歡奇情故事的朋友,對於這樣大路的故事,可能感到不滿意,但就是因為劇本夠簡單直接,才能突顯角色高尚的情操。Valentin 幫 Miller 可能是一時興起,但 Miller 卻銘記於心,發跡後不忘報恩;至於司機 Clifton 和小狗對 Valentin 的不離不棄,更是教栗感動不已。在這個利字當頭的社會,沒被人加害已然萬幸,誰敢奢望能找到重情重義的朋友?
默片,當推卓別靈與 f.w.murnau 的作品,絕對是兩大宗師。《星光夢裡人》各方口碑很好 --- 包括小栗這篇 --- 相當期待。
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/17/2012 18:35:07]inanna: 我喜歡溫馨的故事,這齣正合我口味。差利的電影,我就只看過【摩登時代】,希望遲點有機會看他其他的作品。//Lili Marleen: 我重溫的不是電影的歷史,而是小時候看粵語長片的快樂感覺 :)
[inanna回覆02/16/2012 12:01:21]對啊。一部《大都會》,已是超絕經典。
亦不可掠過sergei eisenstein,一部"battleship potemkin",一部"october",亦係不得了。
[Lili Marleen回覆02/16/2012 04:26:17]還有Ernst Lubitsch 同 Fritz Lang! The Artist於我來說最有趣的地方, 是一邊看一邊在腦內重温電影的歷史. 電影結局那一幕就令我見起三四十年代紅極一時的銀幕拍擋Fred Astaire和 Ginger Rogers(之後看J.Edgar時看到Edgar會Ginger Rogers的一幕, 不禁笑了)
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/18/2012 08:17:11]我在 bc 門外見到,立即拍下來,實在太喜歡了 :)
I have watched it. I am touched by some of the scenes and I love the staircase scene in which the lady walks up and the the guy walks down. It symbolizes the rise of the lady's career and the downfall of the guy's. The first scene and the last scene also reminds me of my passion for movies haha. The message is that we should not forget about the strengths of silent movies and we should strike a balance between silent movies and talkies. It reminds me of the growing popularity of 3D movies because of the rampant illegal downloading. However, when I left the theater, I heard some people saying that it was boring because of the lack of spoken dialogues. I also had difficulty engaging myself at the beginning, whereas I got used to it after 30 minutes and I enjoyed it. Among the Oscar Best Pictures, I personally prefer the Descendant.
回覆刪除[papermoon回覆02/26/2012 01:09:13]Kenji, same here, prefer the Descendant but think it's not likely to get the best picture. A shame, though.
[版主回覆02/18/2012 08:21:49]觀影經驗不同,所以對電影的反應都很不同。我喜歡男主角在火災中抱著膠卷的一幕,還有女主角在車廂偷望男主角對鏡自憐的一幕,整齣電影拍得好細膩,非常賞心悅目。【雨果】還未看喎,說不定會轉軚呢 ^.^
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/19/2012 08:38:38]望穿秋水也值得,非常好看的電影!【雨果】23日便正式上畫了,萬二分期待 :)