By the way, 望著 Hugh Jackman 飾演的過氣拳手...., or just 望著 Hugh Jackman? [版主回覆11/06/2011 12:12:30]Agree. Or the kid just referred to all the things he knew about his dad. Maybe the kid could read his dad's mind too :p [The Teacher回覆11/06/2011 10:12:39]Yes, that's what "safe with me" means, but what was the father's secret? The kid said the same thing to Adom earlier in the film. Perhaps there's no secret and they're just words of reassurance. [版主回覆11/06/2011 07:54:46]Oh I missed your reply! Glad to know that you and LC like the film. I think this one is pretty good. // safe with him = he will not tell others? [The Teacher回覆10/28/2011 09:12:20]We watched it Wednesday. It was good. By the way, the tactic Adom used in Round 5 was called rope-a-dope. Hey, did you understand that line in the end where the kid told the father that his secret was safe with him? He said the same thing to Adom earlier in the film. [版主回覆10/24/2011 08:06:06]I hope you two will enjoy it. I love it very much. I was talking about the plot, so should be the former (of course I LOVE Hugh Jackman =^.^=)
"真是愛死了 Hugh Jackman =^.^=" x 2
[版主回覆10/21/2011 13:30:47]不如且談電影就去多看一遍吧 ;)
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/22/2011 07:43:37]霜儀:應該快的了,暫時看著別的吧 ;)
[古霜儀回覆10/22/2011 00:25:03]希望快些出DVD﹐可憐我這在外的人。。。
[版主回覆10/21/2011 21:06:08]說得對。因挫敗而失去信心,一生也就完了 :(
[papermoon回覆10/21/2011 15:46:24]我也哭了,像您說,成長過程有跌有碰,最重要是拾起信心,勇敢走前面的路。
[版主回覆10/21/2011 13:31:53]非常好,去到尾聲,勾起不少回憶,泣不成聲。
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/21/2011 13:32:48]是 Fish Story 效應?^_^
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/21/2011 21:01:34]不敢說是否熱血,不過看得很高興,情緒也讓電影牽動。
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/21/2011 21:05:02]能否產生共鳴,有時要講機緣呢。不少人拿菲傭的例子套進電影中,我看的時候,倒是想起辦公室上司欺壓下屬的場面。
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/24/2011 08:04:16]樣子看不出呢。那小孩的樣子很純真,很討好,希望可以在別的電影中見到他。
[愚回覆10/22/2011 23:29:44]男友都說那小孩是日本血統的
[版主回覆10/22/2011 07:41:27]小演員演得不錯,有說服力。他好像是有日本血統的?
LC and I are seeing this one this week.
回覆刪除By the way, 望著 Hugh Jackman 飾演的過氣拳手...., or just 望著 Hugh Jackman?
[版主回覆11/06/2011 12:12:30]Agree. Or the kid just referred to all the things he knew about his dad. Maybe the kid could read his dad's mind too :p
[The Teacher回覆11/06/2011 10:12:39]Yes, that's what "safe with me" means, but what was the father's secret? The kid said the same thing to Adom earlier in the film. Perhaps there's no secret and they're just words of reassurance.
[版主回覆11/06/2011 07:54:46]Oh I missed your reply! Glad to know that you and LC like the film. I think this one is pretty good. // safe with him = he will not tell others?
[The Teacher回覆10/28/2011 09:12:20]We watched it Wednesday. It was good. By the way, the tactic Adom used in Round 5 was called rope-a-dope. Hey, did you understand that line in the end where the kid told the father that his secret was safe with him? He said the same thing to Adom earlier in the film.
[版主回覆10/24/2011 08:06:06]I hope you two will enjoy it. I love it very much. I was talking about the plot, so should be the former (of course I LOVE Hugh Jackman =^.^=)
"真是愛死了 Hugh Jackman =^.^=" x 3 pls!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/26/2011 08:14:30]哈哈,我地夠腳開 fan club 啦 ^_^
想不到你會去睇這科幻電影 ^^b 聽你咁講, 遲 d 睇碟先。
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/02/2011 08:28:22]科幻只是用來包裝,骨子裡還是溫情片 ;) // 希望金城會喜歡!