2011年7月18日 星期一


週日補習,跟學生研究如何應付英文科卷二那篇四百字的長文。學生選修了 Learning English through poems and songs,於是栗便拿了一條相關主題的模擬試題,跟他一起研習。模擬試題要求學生以校報記者的身份,寫一篇校內音樂會的報導;音樂會的主題是 Around the world,節目包括不同國家、不同類型的音樂。



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6 則留言:

  1. 英文科卷二那篇四百字的長文?我大鄉里,是作文還是閱讀理解?
    [版主回覆07/20/2011 08:22:00]卷二是作文, 要求學生兩小時內寫一篇二百字的短文加一篇四百字的長文.

  2. everyone is puzzled...
    [版主回覆07/20/2011 08:22:00]難為了老師

  3. This is that new Cert exam?  They're mimicking IELTS, methinks...
    [版主回覆07/20/2011 20:58:00]Yes, the exam (HKDSE) is to replace HKCEE & HKALE. I know nothing about IELTS. Do candidates need to learn about songs and poems as well?

  4. No, I only meant to say that the IELTS writing exam consists of two essays, one short (150), and one "long" (250).  Both the old CEE and ALE English writing only require a single essay.
    [版主回覆07/22/2011 08:11:00]Teacher, Gorilla is right. HKCEE required students to write two essays in the exam (up till 2011).
    I can't recall HKALE either :p

  5. Decades ago, HKCEE also required candidates to write two essays in the exam.  As for HKAL, I forgot.
    [版主回覆07/22/2011 08:13:00]會考去到2011年都係寫兩篇, 一長一短.
    高考我那年有份考應用文的卷, 要寫幾篇, 所以都忘了作文作了多少 :p

  6. Actually, I think your student should not choose that topic in the first place, unless he or she is really familiar with English poems and songs.  Besides, the choice is one out of seven, it is advisable to pick up a less "technical" topic in the exam.
    [版主回覆07/26/2011 21:58:00]他學校教這個選修科, 故不知花了多少時間讀相關的 materials, 誰知做 mock 卷時竟不能學以致用......
