因為學生說自己能應付中四、中五的課程,而栗也不想再跟微積分糾纏下去,於是我倆便轉戰中六的課本,一起預習矩陣 (matrices)、行列式 (determinants) 和線性方程組 (system of linear equations)。
記得當年讀純數,最喜歡的便是這兩個課題 (「矩陣和行列式」放在同一課教)。不過當年何以會喜歡這兩個課題呢?現在想起來真有點摸不著頭腦。
I didn't get to matrices and determinants until DaSan, after I finished the calculus series...
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/15/2011 17:21:00]大三? Matrices and Determinants belonged to the AL syllabus in the past!
Well, they do math late in America.
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/17/2011 15:48:00]But they do it earlier now?
哈哈~~我中四中五時學既matrices同determinants已經俾番哂老師啦...但去到加拿大讀grade 12時, 反而仲係學緊calculus同唔算難既geometry...
[版主回覆07/17/2011 15:47:00]係香港啲數學先至搞到咁鬼難 其實我覺得 Calculus 難過 Matrices and Determinants,唔知點解以前要放到預科先至教...
Not that I know of. Perhaps they go a bit deeper into matrices and determinants at 大三 than in HK secondary level. As far as I know, those two subjects have always been post-calculus subjects.
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/18/2011 08:10:00]Yes they always are. But I just don't know why.