According to a friend of mine in the business, subtitle writers are not paid well. That's why some of the translations are horrific. Anyway, this liking of road films must be a HKers thing. Since HKers don't drive much, they think it's fun to drive around all day. But it's actually quite exhausting, even for the passengers. [版主回覆07/19/2011 08:22:00]No no no, Teacher. No one would think it's fun to drive around all day. The reason why people love road films might be that the characters in the stories get to know different people and experience different things. They always learn more about love and friendship in the end.
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/17/2011 17:32:00]不對,S小姐嘅 pay 應該係好差,所以譯出來的東西才亂七八糟
噢, 有Christopher Walken, 一定要睇!! 之前都唔知有套咁既戲添, 多謝介紹! (我都試過用好平價買到正電影!!)
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/17/2011 17:35:00]Christopher Walken 的演出極之精彩,令電影份外好看!
I love road movies. Let me borrow it from you later. ^^
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/18/2011 08:16:00]好呀! 我果然冇記錯Kenji喜歡看公路片的 :)
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/18/2011 08:17:00]她的戲份不多, 不過演得很放, 很好看 :)
20蚊既dvd?? 真係平得離奇喎....其實士勞好少睇公路電影, 淨係睇過due date...due date算唔算公路片?
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/18/2011 08:22:00]見到個價錢我嚇咗一跳. 不過這齣在香港不出名, 無人問津才會那麼便宜吧?
Due Date應算是公路片, 因為故事講述的, 是一趟旅程所發生的事. 說起公路片, Planes, Trains, Automobiles, 還有電影節看過的 "人事經理補鑊之旅", 都是很好看的作品, 人情味濃.
According to a friend of mine in the business, subtitle writers are not paid well. That's why some of the translations are horrific. Anyway, this liking of road films must be a HKers thing. Since HKers don't drive much, they think it's fun to drive around all day. But it's actually quite exhausting, even for the passengers.
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/19/2011 08:22:00]No no no, Teacher. No one would think it's fun to drive around all day. The reason why people love road films might be that the characters in the stories get to know different people and experience different things. They always learn more about love and friendship in the end.
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/23/2011 13:35:00]陽光小小姐確實是令人印象難忘 . 當年的小小姐, 現在都成了少女了.