凶心人 (Memento)
海豚灣 (The Cove)
燦爛人生 (The Best of Youth)
美好人生 (It's a Wonderful Life)
壯志奔騰 (Seabiscuit)
金色池塘 (On Golden Pond)
沖天救兵 (Up)
義膽雄心 (The Untouchables)
我帶你回家 (Lost and Found)
狂琴四分鐘 (Vier Minuten)
天使愛美麗 (Amelie from Montmartre)
暗戀你暗戀你 (While You Were Sleeping)
史柏力魔怪書 (The Spiderwick Chronicles)
巴姐搞轉娛樂圈 (Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day)
時光倒流七十年 (Somewhere in Time)
查令十字路84號 (84 Charing Cross Road)
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/05/2011 21:45:00]都數到:
東風破, 瘦身男女, 心動, 甜蜜蜜, 無間道, 打擂台, 葉問, 志明與春嬌, 歲月神偷, 重慶森林
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/05/2011 21:47:00]還記得 "秒" 是因 BS2 的介紹, 我才看的呢
最近有沒有看到甚麼好電影? 我聽老戲精的話, 開始補看舊電影. 剛看了1/3黑澤明的 "七俠四義", 好喜歡.
栗子妹,你個標題好醒神啊!本來很累的我立時醒了! 要我數二十套我一時間也數不到呢?(不過你很聰明,沒寫「最」喜歡) 我只看了你名單中的十套戲。我會將你選的密陽、東風破和查令十字路84號列入我的wish list!
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/06/2011 08:01:00]昨晚要加班? 保重呀
我最喜歡的從來只有一齣 The Best of Youth, 寫唔到成篇嘛 :p
我有 Charing Cross Road 的影碟, 可以借給芝看 (要租/買, 現在也不易了~~~)
其實我欣賞的電影還有很多, 例如 Finding Forrester, The Dead Poet Society, Flipped 等等, 隨時可以列夠 100 齣 :p
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/06/2011 21:53:00]我推薦淇淇看 "秒速五厘米" 和 "我帶你回家", 不過兩齣都是動畫
初看還以為是最好睡電影...(因為訂閱沒有SHOW標題) 見笑了...
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/06/2011 22:00:00]上次已經列了五齣催眠電影啦, George 不如作點補充?
I saw four out of this bunch, was forced to see one of them by an office mate...
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/06/2011 22:01:00]Let me guess. You were forced to see Memento ?
(旁邊的觀眾:喂喂,你別戲弄人啦,什麼呼吸聲?鼻鼾聲就真啦! )
[版主回覆07/07/2011 08:01:00]已臻化境
俾你講多兩講, 我唔敢睇生命樹啦...
No, Chestnut, you'll never guess this one. I saw Momento because I saw The Unsual Suspects about 3 times on a plane ride across the Pacific. I liked it so much after the 3rd time that I looked it up, and saw that this film is grouped with Momento as "the same ilk". I was forced to see "It's a Wonderful Life", by an office mate of mine. When she found out in the late 1990s that I'd never seen it, she brought in a VCR tape and insisted that I see it. She said it's a film every American had to see.
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/07/2011 08:04:00]I like the Usual Suspects too. A good one!
You're right, Teacher. I'll never guess. Why did your office mate say it's a film that every American had to see? Was it about the spirit or something else?
No, it is an "all-American" film. Although it was made before I was born, it's a film on Christmas, the most important holiday in American. The film is on TV virtually every year during the Christmas season. So, just about "everybody" has seen it. With Christmas as the background, the story is also about a miracle, positive thinking during adversity, perseverance, and good over evil, all very traditional American, feel-good values.
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/08/2011 08:21:00]I see. Thanks, Teacher!
Ooops, on the last response, I meant "Yes" on the first word ...
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/08/2011 08:23:00]我之前在 bc 那間碟鋪見過 On Golden Pond 的 DVD,好像 80 多塊錢,可以試試去找。 天使愛美麗真係睇多一次多愛一分
Speaking of films, may I recommend one titled "The Iron Lady", about my favorite British Prime Minister, played by what many call "the perfect actor", Meryl Streep, to be out early next year.
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/08/2011 18:14:00]Thanks a lot for the information, Teacher! I'll definitely watch it :)
天使愛美麗 (Amelie from Montmartre)
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/10/2011 10:56:00]當年的塔圖,神采飛揚,迷死人
Why 20? Not 100 or 50?
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/10/2011 10:56:00]這是我在豆瓣給了五星評分的電影,碰巧20齣。
我買了 The Best of Youth 很多年了,但因為片長四小時,所以還未看呢!
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/14/2011 08:27:00]不只四小時, 是六小時才對
我當日是在灣仔影藝看的, 買兩張票看一整天, 感覺極好, 印象也極之深刻. 雖然不認識意大利的歷史, 但 Matteo 和 Nicola 兩兄弟的經歷, 很能引起我的共鳴; 加上意大利的美景和動聽配樂, 令我一看再看, 共看了五次之多.