Early retirement, taking it easy and go-with-the-flow attitude will put you in the grave sooner. Think again. Idle hands do you no favours. Older people who continue working past retirement age lived longer than those who chose a laid-back lifestyle in their 60s. (提早退休會令人早死,看得開和隨遇而安的態度亦然。請想清楚,游手好閒並沒好處。過了退休年齡仍然工作的長者,比選擇優游生活的活得更久。)
And if you're a worrywart? You'll probably live longer than your friends who take life as it comes. Worriers take fewer risks, but the Pollyannas of the world ignore real threats and fail to always follow medical advice. (愛事事憂心的人,可能會比泰然面對生命種種的活得更長久,因為前者較少冒險,不比後者盲目樂觀,不聽從醫生吩咐,忽略真正危險。)
減壓都好重要~ 不過我知你識。
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/08/2011 19:12:00]之所以我的觀影數字不斷攀升...... 今年已經看了九十二齣,一百大關在望了。
Ok, by those rules, I can kick anytime...
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/08/2011 19:14:00]Teacher: 不用理那些書寫甚麼啦,今天一樣,明天又變成另一樣了~~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/08/2011 19:16:00]後一段頗誇張失實,明顯是寫專欄的引來譁眾取寵,我就借來吐苦水 。