Could this be part of the "moral and national education" syllabus? After all, our dear great Chairman Mao did say something to the effect that all good things come from the barrel of a gun, which definitely encourages violence as the final solution to all problems, no? [版主回覆05/29/2011 20:06:00]No, Teacher. It's just a comprehension exercise. I hope primary teachers in HK will not talk about Mao's thinking in class.
嘩!! 咁差o既故事都有!! 不合邏輯, 鼓勵暴力!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/29/2011 18:57:00]或許如樓上那位所言,作者以為故事反映了事實?
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/29/2011 20:00:00]我知一個故事可以有多個解讀,但有必要讓小學生透過文字認清現實嗎?太早也太殘忍了吧。
Could this be part of the "moral and national education" syllabus? After all, our dear great Chairman Mao did say something to the effect that all good things come from the barrel of a gun, which definitely encourages violence as the final solution to all problems, no?
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/29/2011 20:06:00]No, Teacher. It's just a comprehension exercise.
I hope primary teachers in HK will not talk about Mao's thinking in class.