星期日晚到尖沙咀崇光百貨地庫的Italian Tomato吃餐。商店以半自助形式經營,顧客先排隊付錢,再憑單據取食物。
Thank you for coming Italian Tomato.
是栗眼花?但多看了兩遍,還是看不見 coming 後面那本應存在的 to 字。
留意 come 是不及物動詞,中間須插入介系詞,才能與名詞連結。go 與 arrive 也是不及物動詞,我們不能說 to go/arrive a place,而要說 to go to a place,或是 to arrive in/on/at a place。[按:home 是例外,謝謝乏言先生指正。]
Despite what is said in OALD, I somehow got the feeling that 〝arrive on〞 is only used with the noun 〝the scene〞. And the sentence pattern is 〝arrive〞 + 〝on the scene〞, rather than 〝arrive on〞 + 〝the scene〞.
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/09/2010 20:05:00]to arrive on an island <- OK?
Thank you for coming! Italian Tomato. 可否?
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/09/2010 20:05:00]當然是可以啦,乏言先生
尖沙咀是鬼佬雲集之地, but, that is SOGO...
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/09/2010 20:04:00]咁都俾您捉到字蝨?
美式日常用語, " to go" 也 有外賣之意 : pizza to go 大抵 I want to go home 還可以?
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/09/2010 20:56:00]噫,我以為 to go 是來自澳洲的呢。 對對對,to go home 完全沒問題。謝謝乏言先生指正。
Arrive on an island is perfectly OK.
arrive in, arrive at, arrive on 的区别?
The letter arrived ________ Monday morning.
A. at B. from C. in D. on
答案是 D 我选了 A
具体想问问 arrive in, arrive at, arrive on 的区别在哪里?
最佳答案 :
at 后面接小的地方
in 后面接大的地方
on 后面接时间
on 後 面若接時間 , 那為甚麼我們會說 arrive at 3 pm?
因為 on 是配 Monday morning, 而不是 arrive. 同樣地 , 在 arrive on an island 中 , on 是配 island. 網上解釋不可信 .
[版主回覆11/10/2010 20:49:00]謝謝補充!寫的時候只想到「不及物動詞加介系詞」這規則,其他細節都沒想清楚,失敗呀~
但香港好多商舖都係咁講"thank you for coming xxxx",是否他們覺得:"thank you for coming to xxxx"累贅呢﹖
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/10/2010 20:47:00]或許如乏言先生所言,是斷句問題?若論文法,一定是 come to a place。
[版主回覆11/11/2010 18:12:00]香港報紙的標題也常有錯。我記得《都市日報》曾把「撥三億作慈善用途」寫成「拔」三億。恐怖
I agree with 乏言 . It's a matter of bad punctuation rather than bad grammar.
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/13/2010 13:44:00]But I think it's more about bad grammar, Teacher. It's not natural to have the name of the shop as 下款.
下款 as in after the statement? What's so unnatural about it? One does it in any kind of a note. Content, then sign, no?
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/14/2010 07:47:00]Teacher: I think it's unnatural because there are words following the 下款. I should have kept the receipt. I'm going to TST today. Let's see if I can find another one.