早前提到書店擺位問題,網友留言用上 conspicuous place 一詞。不知是栗病昏了頭,還是「年紀大,機器壞」,我即時想到「可疑的地方」,要定一定神才意識到那是「顯眼位置」。
英文有很多串法相近的字,令人頗為困擾。對栗來說,auspicious、conspicuous 和 suspicious 三個形容詞就十分形似。當然,它們的解釋完全不同:
auspicious: (formal) showing signs that something is likely to be successful in the future (吉祥的)
conspicuous: easy to be seen or notice, like to attract attention (顯眼的)
suspicious: making you feel that something is wrong, illegal or dishonest (可疑的)
the two words don't look that much alike, do they?
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/12/2010 07:11:00]It's something personal, Teacher. My colleague told me that she can never spell the word 'separate' correctly. My case is something like that.
嗯, 我都覺得. 串字的時候, "icious" & "icuous" 總覺得好難記的.
回覆刪除"Separate" 我都成日串錯.
來這兒真好, 粟子妹.
回覆刪除短短一篇, 卻真的學到東西呢!
Thank you!
[版主回覆11/16/2010 20:26:00]不客氣。我覺得每個人都有盲點,要花點力氣才不會中招~