What's 流行資訊 ? Popular....? [版主回覆11/03/2009 20:33:00]Teacher: I was thinking about 'popular culture', but that's not the proper translation of 流行資訊. Maybe 'information on trendy things'?
Speaking of kids not wanting to read anymore, it appears that HK kids are fast degenerating into the same mindsets and environment of the American lower class kids. Very sad, and dangerous, development. [版主回覆11/03/2009 20:35:00]With the widespread of the Internet, who would bother to read a book again? Sigh :(
My seconardy school Chinese teacher briefly mentioned "老殘遊記" but actually I forgot everything about it except the title. [版主回覆11/04/2009 08:25:00]Don't worry, Raymond. I can't recall any details about the book either.
現在的青少年,會喜歡看漫畫,喜歡打機。 看書的人,真的越來越少。 當然也不是沒有,但每個人的口味也不同。 初中生嘛,年齡最尷尬了,說大不大,說小不小。 適合他們年齡的書他們嫌幼稚,太成熟的內容他們又似懂非懂,也許甚至沒有興趣。 這個難題,真的很難啊
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/03/2009 08:10:00]淇淇正好點出問題重點, 愛看書的人已經不多, 加上口味各異, 要出一本符合大部分人口味的書, 談何容易?
不過朋友叫到, 盡力而為吧!
我也覺得出版以初中生為對象的散文集頗難。初中生看的, 要不是校園/愛情/冒險小說, 非小說就是一些勵志書吧。最好是他們已熟識的作家, 即已經出過小說, 或老師都認識的名家。唔...... 要做多點research呢~
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/03/2009 08:12:00]芝: 可惜朋友的錢有限, 未必請得起有名的作家呢.
說起冒險小說, 我覺得寫得好的人真是沒多少個, 好故事難求呀
[版主回覆11/03/2009 08:14:00]謝謝提點! 當然不會用在別人身上 ;)
寫的時候, 正好想起 Raymond 說的 '腦殘遊記' 吧了 :p
How about " 腦殘遊記 "? (Sorry for the 爛 gag.)
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/03/2009 08:16:00]Raymond: How do you know the title of this entry comes from 腦殘遊記?
What's 流行資訊 ? Popular....?
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/03/2009 20:33:00]Teacher: I was thinking about 'popular culture', but that's not the proper translation of 流行資訊. Maybe 'information on trendy things'?
Speaking of kids not wanting to read anymore, it appears that HK kids are fast degenerating into the same mindsets and environment of the American lower class kids. Very sad, and dangerous, development.
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/03/2009 20:35:00]With the widespread of the Internet, who would bother to read a book again? Sigh :(
My seconardy school Chinese teacher briefly mentioned "老殘遊記" but actually I forgot everything about it except the title.
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/04/2009 08:25:00]Don't worry, Raymond. I can't recall any details about the book either.